[provo] Issues still open, raised and pending against the provo html


As agreed during today's telecon, I went through the issues against the 
provo-html [1].
Below is the outcome.

- ISSUE-117: General Comments On Ontology Document.
*Suggested action: leave it open*
This issue should not be closed yet, and its content should be 
considered again when/after having a first draft with the new structure 
of the provo HTML. In particular, we (provo team) need to make sure 
that  the motivations used in the provo HTML document are in line with 
those specified in the charter.  That said, I think the second main 
comment in this issue was already dealt with in the new suggested 
structure, as we will not be defining extensions within the HTML 
document, and rather move such details to the Best Practices document.

- ISSUE-119 (vanilla-rdf): How does vanilla RDF work with PROV Ontology 
[Formal Model]
*Suggested action: close it.*
I sent an email to Paul (of-course with a CC to the mailinglist) to see 
if he is happy to close this issue.

- ISSUE-128: Location example uses a filesystem and not a geographical 
*Suggested action: leave it open*
We should not close this issue. We need to make sure that if an example 
is used to illustrate location, then we avoid the use of a file path as 
an example.

- ISSUE-227: Diagrams are not consistent in prov-o html
*Suggested action: leave it open*
Although we will be using different diagrams in the next draft of the 
provo HTML, leaving this issue open will help us check that the diagram 
produced are consistent with each other.

- ISSUE-250: respond to Eric's comments
*Suggested action: leave it open*
I think that we should not close this issue. Just like with issue-117, 
this issue is still useful as it will allow us to make sure that some 
links are embedded within the document, etc.

-ISSUE-270: automate HTML for OWL constructs
*Suggested action: close it, It was closed by Tim)*
Given that we seem to agree on this, I sent an email to Tim who raised 
the issue to see if he would be happy to close the issue.

-ISSUE-282 (TLebo): no RDF/XML in PROV-O HTML; use Turtle [Ontology]
*Suggested action: close it, It was closed by Tim*
I sent an email to Tim, to see if we can close this issue. I think that 
we all agree that turtle is better, and given that the suggestion came 
from Ivan, it seems that we should go for it.

- ISSUE-308: PROV-O HTML much conform to W3C Style
*Suggested action: leave it open*
Tim thinks that it is a good idea to leave this issue open until the 
document is released, which I think makes sense.

Thanks, khalid

[1] http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/products/10

Received on Monday, 12 March 2012 18:44:18 UTC