Re: PROV-ISSUE-280 (TLebo): {started,ended,used,wasGenerated}At <-> prov:qualified [ prov:atTime ] pattern [Ontology]

Thanks, Daniel.

Uniformly applying the "qualified/unqualified" pattern on time seems a bit absurd, so I will withdraw the ISSUE.
PROV-O uses the qualified pattern to fulfill PROV-DM, and we'll leave the niche prov:usedAt xsd:dateTime to someone as an extension.

I closed the issue.


On Mar 14, 2012, at 7:20 PM, Daniel Garijo wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> given that now Start, End, Generation and Usage are "InstantaneusEvents" in the ontology, can we close this issue?
> Thanks,
> Daniel
> 2012/3/4 Timothy Lebo <>
> Luc,
> The intent for this issue is to uniformly apply the unqualified / qualified patterns that has had some success in prov-o.
> I remember this example being discussed at F2F, and am working from that impetus.
> To answer your question about different times, the property can assume multiple values for the same subject:
> :input_1 prov:usedAt "2012-03-03T21:04:54-05:00", 
>                                       "2012-03-04T10:58:04-05:00" .
> But I now realize that the property should be reversed to suit our standing goals [1], specifically "directionality of the triple should point to the Element that "existed earlier""
> :dataSet
>    prov:usedEntityAt  "2012-03-03T21:04:54-05:00", "2012-04-04T21:04:54-05:00";
>    prov:used :input_1, :input_2;
>    prov:qualified [
>       a prov:Usage;
>       prov:entity :input_1;
>       prov:atTime "2012-03-03T21:04:54-05:00";
>    ], [
>       a prov:Usage;
>       prov:entity :input_2;
>       prov:atTime "2012-04-04T21:04:54-05:00"
>    ];
> .
> The largest motivation for applying the unqualified / qualified pattern to time is to avoid a level of indirection for Activity start and end times.
> Requiring the TimeInstant indirection is going to cause nontrivial practical issues with respect to query times and duplicate results.
> I've started eg-14 [2] so that we can stay concrete in this ISSUE.
> Regards,
> Tim
> [1]
> [2]
> On Mar 4, 2012, at 5:14 AM, Luc Moreau wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Can you handle two usages at different times for a same entity? I fear that a property usedAt does not allow for this.
>> Professor Luc Moreau
>> Electronics and Computer Science
>> University of Southampton 
>> Southampton SO17 1BJ
>> United Kingdom
>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 02:09, "Timothy Lebo" <> wrote:
>>> Sorry, the page cut me short:
>>> Time can be incrementally qualified, just like the binary relations.
>>> The following pattern could be used for started, ended, used, and wasGeneratedAt:
>>> :input_1 prov:usedAt "2012-03-03T21:04:54-05:00" .
>>> :input_2 prov:usedAt "2012-04-04T21:04:54-05:00" .
>>> :dataSet
>>>  prov:used :input_1, :input_2;
>>>  prov:qualified [
>>>     a prov:Usage;
>>>     prov:entity :input_1;
>>>     prov:atTime "2012-03-03T21:04:54-05:00";
>>>  ], [
>>>     a prov:Usage;
>>>     prov:entity :input_2;
>>>     prov:atTime "2012-04-04T21:04:54-05:00"
>>>  ];
>>> .
>>> -Tim
>>> On Mar 3, 2012, at 9:05 PM, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>>>> PROV-ISSUE-280 (TLebo): {started,ended,used,wasGenerated}At <-> prov:qualified [ prov:atTime ] pattern [Ontology]
>>>> Raised by: Timothy Lebo
>>>> On product: Ontology
>>>> Time can be incrementally qualified, just like the binary relations.
>>>> :dataSet
>>>> prov:used :input_1, :input_2;
>>>> prov:usedAt "2012-03-03T21:04:54-05:00", "2012-04-04T21:04:54-05:00";
>>>> prov:qualified [
>>>>    a prov:Usage;

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 23:38:26 UTC