PROV-ISSUE-287 (TLebo): ProvRDF Generation issues [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-287 (TLebo): ProvRDF Generation issues [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

Raised by: Satya Sahoo
On product: mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o

    For PROV-O, the activity id cannot be optional. (Satya)

    Having activity id as optional violates the DM requirement that all relations "have two primary elements" (Section 5.3, DM TPWD). (Satya)

    Why is time [t] listed as a distinct attribute from other attribute-value pairs? Isn't time of generation yet another attribute? (Satya) 

Received on Monday, 5 March 2012 13:43:59 UTC