Re: PROV-ISSUE-328 (jhao): prov:wasStartedBy and prov:wasEndedBy as the core provenance terms [PROV-O HTML]

On Mar 16, 2012, at 6:27 AM, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:

> PROV-ISSUE-328 (jhao): prov:wasStartedBy and prov:wasEndedBy as the core provenance terms [PROV-O HTML]
> Raised by: Jun Zhao
> On product: PROV-O HTML
> This is a sub-property of prov:wasAssociatedWith.
> Should it keep it as one of the core terms or as an additional term.

"It is a subproperty or subclass" seems to be a reasonable rule to place it into "additional".

This way, "additional" category becomes something more like "specific".

> I vote for it to be as a core.

I updated to reflect them in "additional" to see how it looks.
Can you take a look?

> The same should be applied to prov:wasEndedBy.
> I think the decision should also be consistent with how we are going to treat all the subclasses of prov:Agent.

I agree that these two should be consistently applied. 



Received on Friday, 16 March 2012 14:21:51 UTC