Re: PROV-ISSUE-132 (YolandaGil): Improve the examples to make them more intuitive and of broader appeal in Provenance Data Model (PROV-DM) Draft [Data Model]

Hi Yolanda,

Following the release of WD4.internal, I believe this issue is now 

I propose to close the issue now.
Let us know what you think.

On 10/20/2011 07:45 PM, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> PROV-ISSUE-132 (YolandaGil): Improve the examples to make them more intuitive and of broader appeal in Provenance Data Model (PROV-DM) Draft [Data Model]
> Raised by: Yolanda Gil
> On product: Data Model
> It seems to me we are using non-intuitive or incomplete notions in the examples, which will make our documents that much harder to be understood and therefore the standard adopted.  I would suggest to use one or two scenarios of broad interest, for example publishing a web page that has diverse and rich content, or an example with linked data.
> For instance, in Section 4.2: It says "A file is read by a process execution".  The fact that a file being read is a ProcessExecution seems to me to be a very contrived example (I don't think we've ever discussed a provenance scenario where file reading was considered, because there are other more pressing processes to represent).
> Another case: if evt1, evt2, etc are timestamps, why not label them t1, t2, etc so they don't have a label that makes them look like events?
> Another case: Somewhere it mentions "spellchecked" as an attribute, if so we should really show how the spellchecker program plays a role in the provenance record so this attribute becomes so.
> Another case: all the examples of agents are people, but agents can be other things (eg the Royal Society that is used in another section).

Professor Luc Moreau
Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
Southampton SO17 1BJ               email:
United Kingdom           

Received on Friday, 9 March 2012 16:58:56 UTC