Re: PROV-ISSUE-99: prov:eventuallyUsed - a transitive version of prov:used. [Formal Model]

Hi Tim,
this issue is still raised against the ontology.
In the current draft of the DM it is not stated whether this property should
be transitive or not, so maybe the product of the issue should be changed
to the DM.

What do you think?

2011/9/22 Paolo Missier <>

> Khalid
> indeed, they are not transitive.
> but  dependedOn/2  is.  (see model section
> not?
> -Paolo
> On 9/21/11 10:11 PM, Khalid Belhajjame wrote:
>> On 21/09/2011 21:37, Luc Moreau wrote:
>>> Hi khalid,
>>> The assertion "pe1 was used (consumed) by a second process execution
>>> pe2" is not valid since entities only can be used.
>> Ok. So from the provenance ontology point of view, this implies that the
>> classes Entity and ProcessExecution are disjoint. Which, in turns,
>> implies that means that wasGeneratedBy and UsedBy are non transitive.
>> Khalid

Received on Monday, 5 March 2012 15:35:50 UTC