Re: PROV-ISSUE-157 (TLebo): wasInformedBy's non-transitivity

Hi Tim,
The Current draft of the DM states that wasInformedBy is not transitive, so
I think we could close this issue. Alternatively, you can raise it against
the DM.


2011/11/21 Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker <>

> PROV-ISSUE-157 (TLebo): wasInformedBy's non-transitivity
> Raised by: Timothy Lebo
> On product:
> The argument that wasInformedBy is not transitive is not clear and
> convincing.
> 1) Does the diagram correctly illustrate the assertions
> wasInformedBy(a2,a1) and wasInformedBy(a3,a2), and wasInformedBy(a3,a1)?
> There seems to be a lot of additional unstated assumptions that are
> embodied by the diagram beyond these three DM assertions.
> 2) It appears that the counterexample is using a "degenerate" situation,
> when the argument for non-transitivity can ALSO be made for activities
> following a more natural time flow (e.g., even when e2 is used AFTER e1 is
> generated). In this situation, we do not _know_ that the information in e2
> is related to the information in e1 _in any way_.
> 3) There is a "Note: This relation to be simplified using
> wasStartedBy/wasEndedBy.". Could someone point me to the expected changes
> here?
> Thanks,
> Tim
> Reference:
> """
> The relationship wasInformedBy is not transitive. Indeed, consider the
> records wasInformedBy(a2,a1) and wasInformedBy(a3,a2), the record
> wasInformedBy(a3,a1), may not necessarily hold, as illustrated by the
> following event line.
>            ------  a1
>             |
>             e1
>             |
>       -------  a2
>        |
>        e2
>        |
>     -----  a3
> The end in activity record identified by a3 precedes the start in activity
> record identified by a1, while interval for activity record a2 overlaps
> with each interval for a1 and a3, allowing information to flow (e1 and e2,
> respectively).
> """

Received on Monday, 5 March 2012 18:19:06 UTC