w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org from July 2001 by subject

#rdfms-identity-anon-resources: provenance

#rdfms-literals-as-resources in scope?



#rdfms-xmllang - summary

[Fwd: anon resources and rdf:parseType='daml:collection']

[Fwd: rdfms-difference-between-ID-and-about]

A use case for anon nodes - action from telecon

Action: #rdfms-identity-anon-resources questions

action: choices for anonymous resources

ACTION: literals in M&S

Action: RDF(S) and DAML+OIL Coordination paper

action: some references to model theory

An example of use cases and requirements for supporting language in RDF


Application Experience with MusicBrainz

belated regrets

call for agenda items

Coordination points between RDF(S) and DAML+OIL

DAML+OIL Required Changes to RDF(S)

Discussion: #rdfms-identity-anon-resources

F2F Page and Agenda

F2F Page Updated

f2f regrets

Face to Face 1/2 Aug Registration

Feedback: #rdfms-identity-anon-resources

friday minutes on way

Implementing "aboutEach" (ACTION JUN-01-01-#9)

Important Issue: rdfms-fragments

ISSUE: #rdfms-identity-anon-resources

Jigedit administrivia


literals as resources

Literals as Resources (was RE: draft partitioning of the issues)

literals as resources / completion of ACTION 2001-07-06 (dependencies)


Minutes: July 20, 2001 teleconf

Model theory, abstract syntax

Model Theory, sets of statements and anon resources

more about rdfms-difference-between-ID-and-about


N-triples (1.4)

N-triples (1.5)

N-Triples test cases

N-Triples Updated 2001-07-08

N-Triples V1.6

N-Triples V1.6 Character Encoding and Escaping

N-Triples V1.7

N-Triples: Naming anonnodes

nature of anon resource [was Re: log:forSome]

new issue from rdf-interest

Next telecon

Priorities for F2F (completion of ACTION: 2001-06-22#4)

Proposal: #rdfms-identity-anon-resources

Proposal: add a terminology document to the M&S

Proposal: RDF Processor definition

query and unification

RDF clarification versus RDF V2. Was: #rdfms-literals-as-resources in scope?

RDF Core WG test cases area

RDF Schema discussion for F2F day 2: domain/range notes, model theory

rdf-containers-formalmodel: proposed edits to M+S spec

RDF/XML Syntax Grammar Experiments

rdf:value Clarification

RDFCore 13Jul minutes

RDFCore 13Jul minutes: anon-resources, xmllang, terminology, model theory

RDFCore 13Jul minutes: container resolution

RDFCore 2001-06-29 Telecon Minutes

RDFCore F2F Registration - Urgent

RDFCore minutes 2001-07-06 (for review)

RDFCore Telcon Agenda 2001-07-27

RDFCore Telcon Agenda 2001-07-27 - regrets

RDFCore Telecon 2001-07-06 Agenda

RDFCore Telecon 2001-07-13 Agenda

RDFCore Telecon 2001-07-20 Agenda

rdfms-difference-between-ID-and-about Wording Change

rdfms-graph: Food for thought

rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure: Why?

rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure: Yes, it is

rdfms-xmllang alternatives

rdfms-xmllang alternatives:RETRACTION

rdfms-xmllang use case

rdfms-xmllang: a proposal

rdfms-xmllang: Strawman Proposal


Review of minutes 13-Jul-2001

Revised model theory

Revised model theory , small correction.

Strawman Model Theory

Terminology Help Needed

Terminology Help Needed (was: Re: #rdfms-literals-as-resources in scope?)


tidying up test cases

updated draft of model theory

Updated RDFCore 13Jul Minutes

updated strawman model theory

updated strawman model theory [semi-humor]

weekly call for agenda items

weekly call for agenda items for the telecon

weekly call for telecon agenda items

what does m&s say about anon resources

What is assumed?

xml:lang (non-)use-cases

xml:lang on literals.

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 July 2001 17:21:32 UTC