- From: Brian McBride <bwm@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 16:02:20 +0100
- To: rdf core <w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org>
Time: 10:00:00 Fri Jul 20 2001 in America/New_York which according to: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc converts to: 15:00:00 Fri Jul 20 2001 in Europe/London 23:00:00 Fri Jul 20 2001 in Asia/Tokyo Phone Number: +1 630 536 3003 room #3003 irc: irc.openprojects.net #rdfcore WELCOME, ROLL CALL, SCRIBE REVIEW AGENDA REVIEW MINUTES OF MEETING on 13th July 2001 The text version in the main body of: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Jul/0198.html CONFIRM FOLLOWING ACTIONS COMPLETED (2 min) ACTION 2001-07-13#1: Brian Acknowledge receipt of Coordination points between RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ACTION 2001-07-13#6 Brian McBride: Send out a message asking people to register at <http://cgi.w3.org/Register/selectUser.pl?_w3c_meetingName=RDFCOREF2F> ACTION 2001-07-13#7 Brian McBride: Open the issues of namespaces with Sergey as owner ACTION 2001--7-13#9 Frank Manola: Clarify the choices for anonymous resources with some of their ramifications ACTION 2001-07-13#12 Brian McBride: *Provide a writeup about the use of anonymous resources by his colleagues ACTION 2001-07-13#15 Brian McBride: Writeup the pros and cons of various xml:lang alternatives REVIEW STATUS OF FOLLOWING ACTIONS (5 min) ACTION: JUN-01-01-#9: Ora: send a note to the WG that describes how aboutEach is being used and how it was implemented ACTION: 2001-06-22#5: DanBri: Get a draft of RDFSchema to the group. ACTION: 2001-07-06#2 (danbri) - write test cases for the RDF schema issues that are impacted by literals-as-resources. ACTION 2001-07-13#3 Frank Manola: Draft an assessment of Coordination points between RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ACTION 2001-07-13#4 Dave Beckett: Meet with Art Barstow to decide who will maintain N-Triples ACTION 2001-07-13#5 All: Review <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Jul/0039.html ACTION 2001-07-13#8 Pat Hayes: Produce a strawman model theory for RDF ACTION 2001-07-13#10 Pat Hayes: Provide his point of view on anonymous resources ACTION 2001-07-13#11 Graham Klyne: Summarize the proposals on anonymous resources from Frank, Pat, and any others ACTION 2001-07-13#13 All: Submit any anonymous resource use cases that you feel are important ACTION 2001-07-13#14 Brian McBride: Followup with Eric Miller on whether M&S's model of xml:lang meets the needs of his usecase #rdfms-container-formal-model (10 mins) Consider Dan Brickley's writeup: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Jul/0039.html Propose to accept Dan's recommended changes. Preparing for the f2f: (15 minutes) Please register for the face-to-face meeting at: http://cgi.w3.org/Register/selectUser.pl?_w3c_meetingName=RDFCOREF2F Review the F2F page at: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20010801-f2f/ especially the agenda: o is there anything else we want to cover? o volunteers for short talks - if we're agreed they are a good idea o preparatory materials o model theory? Review status of #rdfms-uri-substructure (10 mins) http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfms-uri-substructure Review status of #rdfms-identity-anon-resources (15 mins) http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfms-identity-anon-resources Where have the discussions so far got to? How do we propose to move forward? Review status of #rdfms-xmllang (10 mins) http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfms-xmllang Review status of #rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure (10 mins) http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure Review status of #rdfms-graph (10 mins) http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfms-graph And if we have time: http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfms-not-id-and-resource-attr http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfms-difference-between-ID-and-about http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfs-domain-and-range http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfs-domain-unconstrained http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfms-xml-base Next meeting - 10am Boston time, 27th July 2001. AOB (5 mins) CLOSE
Received on Thursday, 19 July 2001 11:04:51 UTC