Re: Priorities for F2F (completion of ACTION: 2001-06-22#4)

>On Thursday, July 12, 2001, at 04:25  PM, pat hayes wrote:
>>>A literal is a resource representing the literal -- the string.
>>Sorry, I can't follow this (in fact, I can't even parse it :-). Do 
>>you mean a literal is a resource that represents *itself* ?
>Yes, I think so. Sorry if I was confusing.
>>Can you expand on what you mean a little more, maybe with a simple 
>>example? Thanks.
><data:,foo> merely represents the characters 'f', 'o', and 'o' in 
>order. It does not represent a concept, thing, etc. It means nothing 
>more than those three characters.
>Does that make more sense?

Yes. That is what I would use quotation for: "foo" means those three 
characters in that order. OK, so <data:,  .....  > is a way of 
quoting, thanks for the clarification.

However, maybe I was wrong, but I have been assuming that 'literal' 
referred not only to <data:..> but also to things like <string:..> 
and <integer:....>, ie data types more generally (??). If so, I think 
it wouldnt be correct to say that all of these only denote 
themsleves, eg something labelling an integer wouldn't actually be an 


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Received on Friday, 13 July 2001 14:22:37 UTC