Re: rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure: Why?

Ron Daniel wrote:
> I note that 'Jena' is one implementation that already provides access
> to a list of the declared namespaces. I think that is enough to meet
> this requirement.

I wish that were true.  Jena currently just returns
a list of the namespaces used in predicates in a model.

What I think is needed here is that an RDF parser, when it encounters a
parseType="Literal" would need to encode any active namespace prefix's
in the literal representation, e.g.

  <rdf:Description xmlns:foo="http://foo">
    <foo:property rdf:parseType="Literal">

its not enough for the literal just to represent "<foo:bar>foobar</foo:bar>".
It must also represent xmlns:foo="http://foo".

Jena/RDFFilter don't do this at present :(  

Interesting problems arise when one mixes such literals with inconsistent 
namespace prefix definitions, e.g. merge the above with a model:

  <rdf:Description xmlns:foo="http://bar">
    <foo:property rdf:parseType="Literal">

and write it out as RDF/XML

Or possibly also:

  <rdf:Description xmlns:foo="http://bar">
    <foo:property rdf:parseType="Literal">
      <foo:bar foo:attr="foo:attrv">


Received on Thursday, 12 July 2001 12:54:23 UTC