Re: #rdfms-xmllang

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Aaron Swartz wrote:

> On Wednesday, July 11, 2001, at 05:40  AM, Brian McBride wrote:
> >   All RDF applications
> >   must specify whether or not language tagging in literals is
> > significant;
> >   that is, whether or not language is considered when performing string
> >   matching or other processing.
> Or what? Under penalty of death? Seriously, I think that wording
> such as this should be  softened somewhat in the new spec... if
> we don't change xml:lang, that is.

I have a similar eye-rolling reaction to this sentence. Primarily because
"RDF application" is such a woolly term, embracing Schemas, parsers, T-shirt
designers, anything that applies RDF for some purpose.


Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2001 12:04:59 UTC