Re: #rdfms-xmllang

At 11:40 AM 7/11/01 +0100, Brian McBride wrote:
>FYI, the following can be found in section 6 of M&S:
>   The xml:lang attribute may be used as defined by [XML] to associate a
>   language with the property value. There is no specific data model
>   representation for xml:lang (i.e., it adds no triples to the data model);
>   the language of a literal is considered by RDF to be a part of the 
> literal.
>   An application may ignore language tagging of a string. All RDF 
> applications
>   must specify whether or not language tagging in literals is significant;
>   that is, whether or not language is considered when performing string
>   matching or other processing.

FWIW, I think this is broken and will require some kind of fix (as opposed 
to clarification).  I'm agnostic about the nature of the fix.

The reason I think it is broken is that I think that RDF applications 
cannot be required to operate on anything other than that which appears in 
the "data model".  Thus, I think that if xml:lang MAY be significant then 
it MUST appear in the "data model".


Graham Klyne                    Baltimore Technologies
Strategic Research              Content Security Group
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Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2001 13:29:19 UTC