Re: Implementing "aboutEach" (ACTION JUN-01-01-#9)

At 11:26 AM 7/24/01 +0100, Dave Beckett wrote:
>aboutEach always felt to me like a higher-level construct that didn't
>fit easily into RDF.  You show implementation evidence that
>implementing it fully is hard.  I think SiRPAC has a big streaming /
>not-streaming code switch and pervasive different code paths because
>of this.
>I would like to throw aboutEach out of RDF however I would like to
>know if there are other deployed uses of it (not *potential* uses!)

I concur with this view.


Graham Klyne                    Baltimore Technologies
Strategic Research              Content Security Group
<>    <>

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2001 12:22:12 UTC