Re: A use case for anon nodes - action from telecon

Brian McBride wrote:

> > Look at the assertions in your example, above. There are two
> > existential claims made in there. One says that something (X) exists
> > which bears the description-1 (ie the inverse of description)
> > relation to advert123 and the product relation to roses and the
> > minQuantity relation to some other thing Y.  X could be a 'service',
> > sure. But what kind of thing is Y? It bears a units relation to kg
> > and a minValue relation to 100. It sounds like a sale, or a
> > transaction, or maybe a quantity of roses. But whatever it is, the
> > sentences only assert that *one* of it exists. There is nothing here
> > that could possibly convey what is meant by the English gloss of "a
> > service that sells roses in quantities of at least 100 kg" (that is a
> > hell of a lot of roses, by the way) , since that gloss uses the
> > plural ("quantities"), but there isn't anything in the logical
> > version that implies more than one of anything.
> How about Y represents a range with a lower bound of 100Kg and an
> unspecified upper bound.

Oops - re-reading the example, I wrote nonsense.  The example is wrong.
It should read something like:

                      advert123 role buyer
 and  thereExists ?X  advert123 description ?X
                      ?X        product      roses
      thereExists ?Y  ?X        minQuantitiy ?Y
                      ?Y        units        kg
                      ?Y        value        100

I also think the role really should be a property of ?X, but I've left
that for now.

?Y simply denotes 100Kg.

Or it could have been:

                      advert123 role buyer
 and  thereExists ?X  advert123 description ?X
                      ?X        product      roses
      thereExists ?Y  ?X        quantity     ?Y
                      ?Y        units        kg
                      ?Y        minvalue        100

in which case ?Y could represent a range with an unbounded upper limit.


Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2001 15:59:59 UTC