Re: Strawman Model Theory

[a correction after some holiday biking]

> > A mapping IEXT : P -> R x R            // R cross R
> Isn't the notation f: A -> B used for a function with
> domain A and range B?
> But IEXT is not a funtion at all, it is a relation on
> a cross product R x R which is simply a subset of R x R
> IEXT(I(p)) = {<I(s),I(o)> el R x R: I(s) I(p) I(o) is true}

I was wrong, IEXT is indeed a function but it's range
seems to be the set of all subsets of R x R
(including the empty set?)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Monday, 23 July 2001 14:43:01 UTC