Re: action: some references to model theory

Graham Klyne wrote:
> I'll add to this a reference book from which I recently got my basic
> understanding of the relationship between logic, syntax, model theoretic
> semantics and proof theory:

For me it was this front-side-of-one-page web page, derived from a book:

% Formal Systems - Definitions
% (from Ruth E. Davis, Truth, Deduction, and Computation.
% New York: Computer Science press, 1989.)
% (c) Charles F. Schmidt
% Last Modified: Saturday, May 08, 1999 9:07:08 PM GMT

which I was able (I think) to transcribe into larch:
  $Id: FormalSystem.lsl,v 1.3 2000/10/31 22:26:31 connolly Exp $

I have since used that knowledge to draft a model theory
for RDF:
  $Id: RDFSemantics.lsl,v 1.2 2001/03/30 18:42:44 connolly Exp $

to go along with an Abstract Syntax:
  $Id: RDFAbSyn.lsl,v 1.5 2001/03/30 18:42:44 connolly Exp $

I intend to update RDFAbsyn.lsl and RDFSemantics.lsl w.r.t.
recent work of this group, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 27 July 2001 08:55:38 UTC