RE: #rdfms-literals-as-resources in scope?

At 12:22 AM 7/5/01 -0700, Ron Daniel wrote:
>A basic principle for working in groups is "the
>right of the minority to be heard, and the right
>of the majority to decide".
>Can we have a straw poll on this issue Friday to
>see where the majority lies?

As I won't be there Friday...

Much as I like the general idea of allowing literals to be resources, I am 
persuaded by Brian's argument that to do so at this time would be to 
stretch our charter.

This may be a small stretch.  But I think Brian is right to resist scope 
creep by identifying any issue that can reasonably be deferred to V2.


Graham Klyne                    Baltimore Technologies
Strategic Research              Content Security Group
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Received on Thursday, 5 July 2001 06:15:20 UTC