Re: #rdfms-xmllang

FYI, the following can be found in section 6 of M&S:

  The xml:lang attribute may be used as defined by [XML] to associate a
  language with the property value. There is no specific data model
  representation for xml:lang (i.e., it adds no triples to the data model);
  the language of a literal is considered by RDF to be a part of the literal. 
  An application may ignore language tagging of a string. All RDF applications
  must specify whether or not language tagging in literals is significant; 
  that is, whether or not language is considered when performing string 
  matching or other processing.



Brian McBride wrote:
> The message that raises this issue suggests that xml:lang attributes are
> not represented in the model.
> An interpretation of m&s is that a literal is not a simple string but is
> in fact a pair of two strings (s, l), s representing the string value of the
> literal and the l being the language encoding, e.g. the value of
> an xml:lang attribute.
> With this interpretation, we would need to modify n-triple so that it
> could represent the pair, not just the literal string.  Personally,
> I've been writing:  "string"-"lang", but I'm not precious about the
> precise syntax and would be happy for one of the N3 designers to
> propose something in keep with the langauge design.
> This issue is related to:
> I'll something more about that in a separate message.
> Brian

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2001 06:42:38 UTC