www-style@w3.org from October 2013 by subject


.clearfix (was: Proposal for "overflow:clip" for stronger painting isolation)

:stuck psuedo class WAS: specifying position:sticky

[counter-styles] At-risk list

[counter-styles] i18n-ISSUE-281: Problems with example 12

[counter-styles] i18n-ISSUE-282: Problems with Ethiopic-numeric algorithm

[counter-styles] i18n-ISSUE-283: 113,023

[counter-styles] i18n-ISSUE-284: All negative capable

[counter-styles] i18n-ISSUE-285: Hebrew number converter inadequate for numbers >= 1000

[counter-styles] location of i18n doc

[css-animations] Starting animations with animation-play-state: paused

[css-book] Re: [css-page] Meaning of :first page selector (was: [css3-gcpm] Page groups, named pages, and :first)

[css-books] Re: [css3-gcpm] Complex Footnotes

[css-books] Re: [css3-gcpm] Does string-set work on elements or on boxes?

[css-books][css-figures] New WHATWG specifications

[css-break] another fragmentation question

[css-cascade] CSS Cascade Level 3 Candidate Recommendation

[css-cascade] Environment encoding for @import

[css-compositing] Compositing and Blending Last Call Working Draft

[css-compositing] why general blending is confusing

[css-counter-styles] japanese-informal counter style

[css-counter-styles] negative descriptor for Japanese and Korean

[css-device-adapt] Apply @viewport to top-level documents only

[css-device-adapt] Avoid referring to Desktop

[css-device-adapt] Issue 5: @viewport inside @media

[css-device-adapt] orientation: descriptor

[css-device-adapt][cssom-view] CSSOM View

[css-flexbox] "Determine the flex container’s used cross size" step needs to take min/max size into account

[css-flexbox] Fixing a mistake with flex-grow betwen 0 and 1

[css-font-load-events] Minor comments

[css-fonts-3] font-variant-numeric

[css-fonts] Chinese font Kai count as cursive

[css-fonts] CSS support for TrueType collection files

[css-fonts] Stylistic alternates

[css-grid] Bug in Example 24, line-based placement

[css-grid] Computed value for grid-template-{rows|columns}

[css-grid] Intrinsic / preferred logical widths on the grid element

[css-images] Intent to implement object-fit and object-position in Blink

[css-masking] CSS Masking Module Level 1 in Last Call - Please review

[css-masking] Referring to elements from CSS. (In, but not limited to [css-images-4] and [css-gcpm])

[css-masking] Review request before LC

[css-masking] Shorthanding the clip properties

[css-multicol] can overflow content influence column height?

[css-multicol] column-width bound (>0) is illegal

[css-overflow-clipping] First Draft of Overflow Clipping now available!

[css-overflow-clipping] would 'overflow: clip' affect the layout of surrounding elements?

[css-overflow-clipping][css-overflow] First Draft of Overflow Clipping now available!

[css-overflow] Is the last fragment in a 'fragment box'?

[css-overflow] pathological fragment box generation

[css-page-3] 'marks' and 'bleed'

[css-page-floats] ED 20130924 - minor editorial

[css-page-floats] Non-page-floats sections

[css-page] Meaning of :first page selector (was: [css3-gcpm] Page groups, named pages, and :first)

[css-page][css3-gcpm] Early Draft of Pagination Document from Digital Publishing Interest Group

[css-regions] Add " Reordering and Accessibility" section just like Flexbox

[css-regions] Editorial comment on content chain order

[css-regions] Editorial comment on pseudo-elements processing model

[css-regions] Floats overflow in named flows

[css-regions] Named Flows, Elements and Box Generation

[css-regions] Possible change to the Region interface

[css-regions] Reworking getNamedFlows()

[css-regions] Tweetdeck-style app and flow-into

[css-regions][css-overflow] enhancing overflow:fragments use case 2

[css-regions][css-overflow] escaping the sibling trap - use case 3

[css-regions][css-overflow] named flows and overflow:fragments use case 1

[css-regions][css3-break] Handling content overflow out of its region range

[css-shapes] circle radius as a percentage

[css-shapes] Functional Notation

[css-shapes] how to position <basic-shape>s

[css-shapes] how to size and position <image>s

[css-shapes] inset() vs. inset-rectange()

[css-shapes] Minor Comments

[css-shapes] Positioning <basic-shapes> summary, v2

[css-shapes] Re: Agenda conf call 02-oct-2013

[css-shapes] relative box

[css-shapes] review comments

[css-shapes] shape-margin should allow percentages

[css-shapes][cssom] Serializing Shape Values

[css-snappoints] Early comments on Snap Points

[css-snappoints] Unofficial draft of Scroll Snap Points

[css-syntax] Cross-origin fallback charset

[css-syntax] Multiple !values

[css-syntax] Soon to Last Call

[css-text-4] Option for 'true' alignment with text-align

[css-text] Clusters for letter spacing in Thai and other complex scripts

[css-text][css-ui] Overflow and ellipses, some in rtl

[css-ui] outline-stye: auto

[css-ui] text-overflow: fade ?

[css-values] Deprecating the 3-value <position> form

[css-values] text()

[css-writing-modes] feedback: bottom-to-top scripts?

[CSS21] Absolute positioning and float inherit on same element.

[CSS21] Margin collapsing with negative margins

[css3-animations] can inserting a @keyframes rule start an animation?

[css3-books] Re: [css3-gcpm] Leaders layout corner cases

[css3-break] ED 20130211 - minor editorial comments

[css3-break] fragmentation and full screen elements

[css3-break] Summary of recent comments

[css3-flexbox] Should "align-self:stretch" have any effect on main-size? (i.e. should stretched cross-size be used for establishing main size?)

[css3-gcpm] Complex Footnotes

[css3-gcpm] Running elements

[css3-meadiaqueries] Proposal for "content-width" and "content-height" media features

[css3-mediaqueries] device-max-height ?

[css3-multicol] margin collapsing between column-spanning element and blocks in column boxes: if, when?

[css3-multicol] z-order of column-rule: below or above border?

[css3-regions][css3-breaks] Forced region breaks inside a container with break-inside: avoid

[css3-ui] Re: Referring to elements from CSS

[css3-values] feedback

[css3-writing-modes] inconsistent handling of 'Tr' codepoints in 'text-orientation'

[css3-writing-modes] leaving Tr fallback undefined

[css3-writing-modes] Re-Summary of Tr in UTR#50 and text-orientation discussions

[css3-writing-modes] Summary of Tr in UTR#50 and 'text-orientation' discussions

[css3-writing-modes] Yet another approach to discuss Tr fallback issue for UTR#50 and text-orientation

[CSS4-MediaQueries] media feature proposal: display-colors-inverted (previously from IndieUI User Context)

[cssom-view] behavior of document.body.scrollTop

[cssom-view] Behavior of getBoxQuads, convert*FromNode

[cssom-view] DOMRect with aliases x, y to left, top?

[cssom] Environment encoding for xml-stylesheet PIs

[cssom] moving forward on .usedStyle

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-12 III: GCPM

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-13 Fri IV: Ruby

[CSSWG] Minutes Paris F2F 2013-09-13 Fri V: Text, Writing Modes, Animations

[CSSWG] Minutes Telcon 2013-10-02

[CSSWG] Minutes Telcon 2013-10-09

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2013-10-16

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2013-10-30

[CSSWG][css-text-3] CSS3 Text Last Call Working Draft

[CSSWG][css-writing-modes] Updated WD of CSS3 Writing Modes

[filter-effects] filter different components of an element

[matrix][cssom-view] DOMPoint, DOMPointLiteral definitions

[mediaqueries4] zoom-ratio as a media feature

[selectors4] Comma-separated attribute value selectors

[whatwg] Proposal: Adding methods like getElementById and getElementsByTagName to DocumentFragments

A dedicated property to clear descendant floats (was: Proposal for "overflow:clip" for stronger painting isolation)

Agenda conf call 02-oct-2013

Agenda conf call 09-oct-2013

Agenda conf call 16-oct-2013

Agenda conf call 23-oct-2013

Agenda conf call 30-oct-2013

Behavior of device-pixel-ratio under zoom

CSS support for TrueType collection files

Displaying an ellipsis on the last visible line of a block that overflows vertically

Exposing Fundamental Primitives (was: [css-regions] Named Flows, Elements and Box Generation)

Fwd: [css-regions] Named Flows, Elements and Box Generation

Fwd: [css-writing-modes-2] text-combine-horizontal a.k.a. Tate-chu-yoko

Fwd: Re: [css3-gcpm] Complex Footnotes


Implementers information

Insulating part of a HTML document from global CSS

JavaScript-Driven Accelerated Animations

leaving Tr fallback undefined

line-height: normal and multiple descendant font sizes

objection re: RESOLVED: setProperty's handling of importance logically behaves same as appending a declaraiton (like IE/WebKit)

Order of CLIP property coordinates

Please reinstate the :selection spec

Proposal for "overflow:clip" for stronger painting isolation

proposal: css compression via aliasing

Referring to elements from CSS. (In, but not limited to [css-images-4] and [css-gcpm])

Requesting an extension on reviewing CSS3 Text [I18N-ACTION-271]

Selectors: hooks needed by DOM

Sticky Positioning

Telecon Minutes 2013-10-23

TestTWF Pull requests needing review

Last message date: Thursday, 31 October 2013 19:18:29 UTC