Re: [css-books] Re: [css3-gcpm] Complex Footnotes

Liam wrote:

 > > >   make the element inline if it takes up less than a line, otherwise
 > > >   make it a a block
 > Yes, that makes sense. Inline mathematical equations might be treated
 > similarly, and also chemical formulæ and molecular structure diagrams -
 > in general, equations and small figures.

Indeed. The ED of the CSS Box model allows consecutive run-ins:

So, one could do:

  .footnote { display: run-in }

And have the footnotes end up on the same line if they are short enough.

White space around the run-ins could still be an issue. E.g., in this:

the inline-level footnotes have horizontal margins/padding. Setting
spacing on run-ins -- which could end up as inline or block -- can be
tricky. This code:

  .footnote { display: run-in; margin: 0 2em }

could work for inline footnotes, but perhaps the margins would be
different for block-level foonotes. Perhaps we need a pseudo-class on
the run-in to match its different states:

  .footnote:display(inline) { .. }
  .footnote:display(block) { .. }


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 28 October 2013 22:03:09 UTC