[css-page-floats] ED 20130924 - minor editorial

"This version" shows as http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/ED-css3-gcpm-20130924/
though it resolves as http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-page-floats/.

Section 1.2, "Spanning Columns":

In "ISSUE 2", 'propertye' should be 'property'.

Section 1.3, "Deferring floats: float-defer-column, float-defer-page"

In "with these new properties:", the properties won't be new forever.

Section 1.3.2, ‘float-defer-page’

'none' is defined twice.

In the definition of 'last', 'colum' should be 'column'.

Section 1.5, "Floating inside and outside pages"

"the are simply aliases" should be "they are simply aliases".

Section 1.6, "Wrapping around page floats"

The definitions of 'none' and 'wrap' both start with lower-case "other".

Section 1.7, "The ‘float-offset’ property"

The sentence beginning "Negative values are allowed" does not finish with
a ".".

Section 1.8, "Overconstrained page floats"

"may not ne" should be "may not be".

"reqests" should be "requests".

"pcolumn" should be "column".

Section 2.1, "The ‘clear-side’ property"

The definitions of 'left' and 'right' were not commented out successfully.

Section 2.2, "Exclusions based on images"

"The new property" should be "The property".

Section 2.3, "Exclusions based on rendered content"

"A new property. 'exclude-level' is introduced to allow" should be "The
property 'exclude-level' allows".

Section 2.4, "Exclusions based on shapes"

"definde" should be "define".


Tony Graham                                   tgraham@mentea.net
Consultant                                 http://www.mentea.net
Mentea       13 Kelly's Bay Beach, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2013 12:36:53 UTC