Re: [css3-writing-modes] Summary of Tr in UTR#50 and 'text-orientation' discussions

Rossen Atanassov wrote:

>> James Clark said, for the same reason as John's #3 and Sylvain, CSS
>> should only allow UTR#50-compliant impl and disallow tailoring.
>> My preference is to allow both UTR#50 and the tailoring in John's
>> #2. CSS already allows a lot of tailoring, such as Turkish
>> uppercasing or UAX#14 grapheme cluster. As a secondary preference,
>> if tailoring is really bad and that subtle consistency is critical,
>> I'd agree with James.
> How about take it out of CSS all together? Unicode already defines it
> all so why can't we leave it at that and remove these properties from CSS?

By this you mean omit 'text-orientation' altogether?  That's not
possible because authors need an explicit way to override the default.
For example, 'IBM' would by default be displayed sideways but in some
situations authors might prefer to see it displayed upright.  The same
is true for digits in dates such as 9月7日, the digits need to be
upright in vertical runs.  Hence the need for manual override values
such as 'upright'.


John Daggett

Received on Sunday, 6 October 2013 03:00:31 UTC