www-style@w3.org from August 2015 by subject

[animations] appendRule() and deleteRule() impact on currently running animations

[css 2.2] [tables] Baseline on empty table cells

[css-align][css-flexbox] Differences between start, self-start and flex-start values.

[css-animations] Should changing animation-delay cause an animation to run?

[css-animations] Specifying how keyframes interact

[css-backgrounds] 'box-shadow' should define its 'none' value

[css-backgrounds] background-position as a shorthand for x and y

[css-backgrounds] background-position-x/y and logical positioning

[css-backgrounds] border-image with an SVG resource that has no intrinsic size

[css-break] Name of 'any' value confusing

[css-color-4] Unable to access editor's draft

[css-containment] What does "contain:layout" do on table parts?

[css-counter-styles] armenian typo

[css-display] Refactoring 'display', got a crazy idea


[css-flexbox] Flex Container Baselines

[css-flexbox] Intrinsic Cross Size Definition Totally Wrong

[css-flexbox] LCWD: Notifier call for review

[css-flexbox] max-content contribution incorrectly defined for flex items

[css-flexbox] max-content contribution not defined for flex items

[css-flexbox] percentage flex basis and quirks mode...

[css-flexbox] Understanding flexbox-flex-direction-column.htm

[css-font-loading] 'family' should be 'fontFamily', to prevent API fragmentation

[css-font-loading] Document the "font" and "text" parameters for check()

[css-font-loading] Timing clarification of ready attribute/promise

[css-fonts] "system" generic font name

[css-grid] "Implied Minimum Size of Grid Items" for min-width:auto when 'overflow' is not 'visible'

[css-grid] Containing block for abs.pos. grid items when the grid overflows

[css-grid] repeat(auto) column clamping

[css-grid] repeat(auto-fit, <tracks>)

[css-grid] row-gap/column-gap issues

[css-grid][css-flexbox] a11y, tools, and reordering

[css-inline] Wrapping around initial letters

[css-mediaquery] zoom media feature for media query

[css-overflow][css-break][css-page][houdini] The road to pagination

[css-page-floats] Mostly editorial comments

[css-pseudo] Proposal: Add ‘filter’ property to styling highlights

[css-ruby] Add "text-orientation: upright" for bopomofo annotation

[css-ruby] bopomofo example

[css-ruby] CSS ruby tests

[css-ruby] Ruby text and browser minimal font size

[css-scoping] Shadow Cascading

[css-sizing] [css-flexbox] does min-height: min-content include the scrollbar height?

[css-sizing] Unprefixing min-content, max-content, etc

[css-sizing][css-flexbox] intrinsic min/max-width/height values and percentage children

[css-snappoints] Alternate Scroll Snapping Model

[css-snappoints] Always snapping to a mandatory point

[css-text-4] Sydney resolution edits

[css-text] white-space: pre-wrap

[css-transforms] - Add generic transformation

[css-transforms] Re: Some matrix-based rotation interpolations are "wrong"

[css-transforms] Why doesn't perspective-origin just use <position>?

[css-transitions-2][css-animations-2] Proposal for animation-timing keywords for half-parabola curves - facilitating correct rise/fall/bounce type animations

[css-transitions] Animation of paint servers

[css-transitions] starting of transitions.

[css-ui-4] caret-animation

[css-ui-4] Feedback before f2f

[css-ui] CR: CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)

[css-ui] cursor property's behavior when elements overlap is ambiguous

[css-ui] proposal for text-overflow: fade

[css-ui] resize on replaced elements

[css-writing-modes-3] (sizing phase) 'auto' height of child block in orthogonal flow

[css-writing-modes-3] 7.7 Table Caption Mappings: caption-side

[css-writing-modes-3] Defer auto-muticol behavior in Auto-sizing Block Containers in Orthogonal Flows

[css-writing-modes-3] Why baseline-align-super.gif in section 5

[css-writing-modes] 'writing-mode' and deprecated SVG values

[css-writing-modes] 5 small issues

[css-writing-modes] Behavior of <iframe> in vertical writing mode

[css-writing-modes] caption-side logical values should only be in css-logical-props?

[css-writing-modes] Margin Collapsing Orthogonal Flows

[css-writing-modes] new sideways-* values for writing-mode

[css-writing-modes] new sideways-* values for writing-mode (was Re: [CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-08-05)

[css-writing-modes] on using the advance height of U+6C34

[css-writing-modes] Propose writing-mode: sideways-left

[css-writing-modes] proposed 'writing-mode:sideways-*' values: effect on computed value of 'display'

[css-writing-modes] proposed writing-mode: sideways-left and text-orientation: sideways

[css-writing-modes] RTL scripts in vertical text

[css-writing-modes] run-in boxes

[css-writing-modes] sideways-left with other text-orientation descendant

[css-writing-modes] test results available

[css-writing-modes] the caption-side keywords

[css-writing-modes] § 9.1.1 tcy element in example 20; extra >; non-interrupted sequence of characters

[css-writing-modes][css-inline] synthesizing baseline tables for replaced elements

[css-writing-modes][CSS21] propagation of 'direction' from <body>

[CSS21] enhancement: comment format for surviving file being minified

[css21] root being out-of-flow

[CSS22] [CSS21] <'border-width'> non-existent value type mentioned in section 1.4.2 of CSS 2.1 specification

[css3-fonts] "inherit" value of font-feature-settings

[css3-fonts] Interaction between font-feature-settings and other properties

[css3-fonts] TrueType support for font-feature-settings

[css3-transitions] Transition events on shorthands

[css3-transitions] Transitions and multiple backgrounds

[css3-transitions][css3-animations] Cascading of animations/transitions and starting of transitions

[CSS4 color][CSS4 transition] color pre-multiplied vs non pre-multiplied

[csswg] Agenda conf call 05-aug-2015

[csswg] Agenda conf call 12-aug-2015

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecom 2015-08-12

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-08-05

[CSSWG][css-grid] Updated WD of CSS Grid Layout L1

[mediaqueries] Trying to understand the syntax design

[selectors-4] :blank pseudo-class

[selectors-4] selector matching being specified from left to right

[selectors4] :blank, ::first-letter, and what a whitespace character is

[selectors] feedback

[selectors] Validity of pseudo-elements per context

[selectors][css-namespaces][css-scoping] Clash between Namespaces and Scoping regarding implied universal selector

[will-change] Editorial: will-change: all example is invalid

[will-change] Should will-change on non-animatable properties create stacking context?

[will-change] Should will-change trigger stacking context when the property does not apply to an element?

[will-change] Should will-change:position create stacking context?

Border Curvature Proposal

Comments on Section 1 of the CSS Inline Spec

Difference between background-position and background-origin.

Difference between vertical-align property values top and text-top

Finding elements that are hidden due to overflow: hidden

Fwd: Barrier of entry to participation

Fwd: Difference between background-position and background-origin.

position:sticky-x or position:fixed-x

Proposal: add a "small-caps" value to "font-synthesis"

What is "non-replaced inline element"

When finding inconsistencies between browsers in resp with the CSS spec, can we report them here?

Last message date: Monday, 31 August 2015 23:22:43 UTC