Re: [css-overflow][css-break][css-page][houdini] The road to pagination

On 08/19/2015 05:41 PM, Dave Cramer wrote:
> Unfortunately, we don't seem to know what a page is. Can we figure this out as part of CSS Display[7], or is it part of the
> mythical Box Tree API? How much other work can we do without defining the full box tree? Will existing work on page floats,
> page templates, and generated content need to be reworked? How can we support page transitions?

What I imagine as "what a page is" would be defined by the spec
that defines 'overflow: paged'. It would redefine Paged Media
as equivalent to 'overflow: paged' propagated to the initial
containing block. The @page rules would style pages within the
'overflow: paged' pager (vs scroller), and similar or equivalent
syntax would be used to style pages in non-root pagers.


Received on Sunday, 23 August 2015 14:01:07 UTC