Re: [css-grid] Containing block for abs.pos. grid items when the grid overflows

On 03/25/2015 10:49 AM, Mats Palmgren wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone clarify how to calculate the containing block (CB)
> for an abs.pos. grid item that has "grid-column: 2 / auto"
> when line 2 is outside padding-area (on the right side)?
> I can't find anything in the Grid spec that defines this case.
> (example included below)
> I think it's reasonable to honor the given start line
> position and clamp the CB's width to zero, so that's what
> I've implemented.  (This also seems to be what Chrome Canary
> currently implements, fwiw.)
> I suspect the same problem can also occur (mirrored) on the
> left side for "grid-column: auto / 1" (and using
> "justify-content:end" or something like that to push line 1
> outside (to the left of) the padding area).  It seems
> reasonable to keep the end line position and clamp the CB's
> width in this case too - for symmetry. (ditto for grid-row)

I believe this was resolved at the New York F2F
and edited into the latest draft

Let me know if there are any problems with that!


Received on Sunday, 9 August 2015 23:44:22 UTC