from October to December 2014 by subject


[admin] deadlines for publishing specs before TPAC

[admin] Positive Work Environment Framework now in effect

[admin] Re: Publication workflow future

[admin] Upcoming TR publishing moratorium

[Bug 11587] window.location.hostname should remove brackets of IPv6 host

[Bug 13410] XML serialisation incompletely defined.

[Bug 14086] When performing AJAX type queries, they are already asynchronous and already occur in another thread. However, I have found that parsing the XML reply and converting that to a representation usable by the javascript application can result in freezes to t

[Bug 16070] uses MessageEvent but doesn't define or reference external definition

[Bug 22228] Clarification of timeout attribute late overrides

[Bug 22414] 304 handling

[Bug 23211] Add iterator support to FormData

[Bug 23332] Support Binary Keys

[Bug 23346] Use TypeError for argument validation

[Bug 23704] Define username/password better

[Bug 23900] [Streams API] WebRTC DataChannels are not called out as producers/consumers

[Bug 24338] Spec should have Fetch for Blob URLs

[Bug 24477] Preparation for spec converging

[Bug 24479] [Streams API] Bug: Unable to notify EOF after delivering the last element separately

[Bug 24691] Allow shared Web workers to persist across page loads from same origin

[Bug 25038] [Shadow]: Non-normative text about selection should be removed

[Bug 25090] Use document's encoding for url query encoding in XHR open()

[Bug 25223] IDB exposes GC behavior

[Bug 25251] Transaction ordering for readonly transactions

[Bug 25540] Invalid use of [EnsureUTF16]

[Bug 25562] [Shadow]: Inert HTML elements normative text is not focused enough

[Bug 25714] [Custom]: Move microtask processing to compound microtask

[Bug 25970] Name the event loop's first step and change reference to "step 1" to be a cross-reference to that named step

[Bug 26153] Allow ArrayBuffer as argument to send()

[Bug 26181] Spec should specify the presentation of the array returned by navigator.getGamepads() w.r.t "holes"

[Bug 26516] Make resize events etc to be synchronized with animation frames

[Bug 26790] document.execCommand('cut'/'copy'/'paste') should trigger corresponding events

[Bug 26815] [Shadow]:

[Bug 26943] New: [Custom] Should attachedCallback/detachedCallback callbacks be called when element is added to / removed from shadom dom which is attached to a in-document host?

[Bug 26957] Allow sending DOM objects to Workers and expose a DOM (or DOM-like) interface to workers

[Bug 26957] New: Allow sending DOM objects to Workers and expose a DOM (or DOM-like) interface to workers

[Bug 27016] New: [Custom]: Custom element constructor behavior makes no sense

[Bug 27017] New: [Custom]: Constructor/prototype linkage needs to actually be defined, since it's dynamic, not static

[Bug 27033] New: XHR request termination doesn't terminate queued tasks

[Bug 27108] New: Push API should be allowed without dependency on service worker

[Bug 27151] [imports]: Poor grammar in the 3.1 Import Dependent section

[Bug 27151] New: [imports]: Poor grammar in the 3.1 Import Dependent section

[Bug 27162] New: Browser differences in graphical layout of fullscreen mode.

[Bug 27179] [Custom]: The timing at which callbacks are invoked need to be defined more precisely

[Bug 27179] New: [Custom]: The timing at which callbacks are invoked need to be defined more precisely

[Bug 27196] New: Blob URL origin

[Bug 27222] New: [Shadow]: "title" attribute should inherit in shadow DOM

[Bug 27259] [Custom]: custom element constructor generation algorithm doesn't do anything with REGISTRY

[Bug 27259] New: [Custom]: custom element constructor generation algorithm doesn't do anything with REGISTRY

[Bug 27260] New: [Custom]: Need to define global/Realm handling for registerElement

[Bug 27261] [Custom]: definition construction algorithm step 6 makes no sense

[Bug 27261] New: [Custom]: definition construction algorithm step 6 makes no sense

[Bug 27325] New: [Shadow]: Figure out how session history should work for <iframe>s in shadow DOM

[Bug 27359] New: [Shadow]: Need to define interaction with directionality

[Bug 27366] New: Define how shadow DOM should be handled when host is adopted to a new document

[Bug 27375] New: [Shadow]: Define whether <style>s in shadow trees are loaded

[Bug 27379] New: [Shadow] How should element.requestFullscreen(); work in shadow dom

[Bug 27380] New: [Shadow] How should various document internal references work when SVG is being used in shadow DOM

[Bug 27401] New: [Shadow]: Fully explore composition

[Bug 27405] New: [Custom]: Convert all ES5 references to ES6

[Bug 27418] New: [Shadow]: Need to define what .styleSheets actually does on a shadow root

[Bug 27420] [Custom]: need a hook for transfering data while cloning elements

[Bug 27420] New: [Custom]: need a hook for transfering data while cloning elements

[Bug 27437] New: [Custom]: Be clear about whether attached callback should be enqueued when setting prototype

[Bug 27440] New: [Custom]:

[Bug 27444] New: Gamepad objects should have a dictionary of attributes about the controller and data source

[Bug 27466] link is stale

[Bug 27466] New: link is stale

[Bug 27496] New: [Explainer]: mispell on inherifance

[Bug 27511] [Shadow]: Six node trees in the diagram but description says "seven"

[Bug 27511] New: [Shadow]: Six node trees in the diagram but description says "seven"

[Bug 27533] New: The execCommand() "show UI" argument is unused

[Bug 27538] New: [Custom]: Tone of note doesn't reflect severity

[Bug 27544] New: [IndexedDB] "and and" typo

[Bug 27545] [Custom]: Closing tag in example

[Bug 27545] New: [Custom]: Closing tag in example

[Bug 27546] [Custom]: Update example markup

[Bug 27546] New: [Custom]: Update example markup

[Bug 27550] [imports]: Content-Disposition header should be recognized

[Bug 27550] New: [imports]: Content-Disposition header should be recognized

[Bug 27552] New: Make execCommand("InsertImage", false, "") insert an img element with no src attribute

[Bug 27597] [Shadow]: ShadowRoot is an interface (change section title)

[Bug 27597] New: [Shadow]: ShadowRoot is an interface (change section title)

[Bug 27611] New: [Custom]: SVG diagram accessibility

[Bug 27637] New: [Shadow]: Explain the CSS inheritance in terms of ComposedTree

[Bug 27643] New: [Custom]: Section 10 prototype is not defined

[Bug 27674] New: requestFullscreen should return a promise

[Bug 27705] New: Extended attribute "Exposed" should use parentheses

[Bug 27709] New: Dictionary MouseEventInit uses keyword attribute for its members

[Bug 27712] New: IndexedDB: Array comparison algorithm doesn't handle empty arrays

[clipboard] Seeking status and plans [Was: [TPAC2014] Creating focused agenda]

[clipops] Oct 2014 status report and plans

[Credential Management]: Tiny prototype to play around with.

[custom-elements] Re: web developer conformance requirements and advice in custom elements spec

[Custom]: Rename "createdCallback" to "created"

[DOM-Level-3-Events] Synthetic mouse events triggering default action

[editing] Responsive Input Terminology

[Editing] Tracking Issues in GitHub

[eventsource] ACTION-742: Re sse test results, followup on the timeouts with the 2 test facilitators (Web Applications Working Group)

[FileAPI] Seeking status and plans [Was: [TPAC2014] Creating focused agenda]

[fullscreen] Seeking status and plans [Was: [TPAC2014] Creating focused agenda]

[gamepad] Add an event-based input mechanism

[gamepad] Allow standard-mapped devices to have extra buttons or axes & allow multiple mappings per device

[Gamepad] Completing spec work

[gamepad] Seeking status and plans [Was: [TPAC2014] Creating focused agenda]

[ime-api] Call for Test Facilitator

[Imports]: Styleshet cascading order clarification

[minutes] 2014-Oct-27 f2f meeting in Santa Clara, CA

[minutes] 2014-Oct-28 f2f meeting in Santa Clara, CA

[Pointer Lock] Comments

[pointerlock] Oct 2014 Pointer Lock Status

[POSTPONED] Re: IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 12 November at 22:00Z for 60 minutes

[Push-API] Browser Implementation

[push-api] comments on incoming call scenario

[Push] one or many

[quota-api] Seeking status and plans [Was: [TPAC2014] Creating focused agenda]

[restyle] Questionnaire wrt Redesign of the W3C Spec Templates

[Selection API] Plans regarding multiple ranges?

[shadow dom] relitigation

[shadow-dom] [Re: [WebComponents] Seeking status and plans [Was: [TPAC2014] Creating focused agenda]]

[streams-api] Seeking status of the Streams API spec

[streams] Seeking status and plans [Was: [TPAC2014] Creating focused agenda]

[TPAC2014] Creating an Issue focused agenda

[TPAC2014] Final Reminder: f2f meeting registration deadline is October 8

[url] Feedback from TPAC

[url] follow-ups from the TPAC F2F Meeting

[WebComponents] Seeking status and plans [Was: [TPAC2014] Creating focused agenda]

[webmessaging] Need to analyze test failures

[WebSocket API]: Missing Open() method

[xhr] Questions on the future of the XHR spec, W3C snapshot

Bringing APIs for experimental hardware/software to the Web

Broken links

CfC: Move URL spec to 2014 Process (and publish)

CfC: publish a WG Note of Fullscreen; deadline November 14

CfC: publish FPWD of Packaging on the Web; deadline November 3

CfC: publish FPWD of Selection API; deadline Sept 30

CfC: publish LCWD of Screen Orientation API; deadline September 18

CfC: publish Proposed Recommendation of Indexed Database; deadline November 9

CfC: publish Proposed Recommendation of Server-Sent Events; deadline November 28

CfC: publish WG Note of UI Events; deadline November 14

CfC: publish WG Note of XHR Level 2; deadline November 14

Clarification of CSP sandbox and workers

clipboard-apis spec reorganised

Custom Element Semantics

CustomElement: Type extension on custom tag

DOM L3 Events Input Events Work to the Editing Task Force

DOM Parsing and Serialization: open WHATWG bugs

FileAPI | Programmatic Triggering of Downloads

FileSystem API Comments

flush() | was Re: FileSystem API Comments

Fwd: Draft [URL] reference update to informative text

Fwd: Reminder, survey closes 16-Nove - Re: Your feedback on TPAC2014 is welcome

Help with WebIDL v1?

HTML imports in Firefox

IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 1 October at 21:00Z for 60 minutes

IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 12 November at 22:00Z for 60 minutes

IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 15 October at 21:00Z for 60 minutes

IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 17 December at 22:00Z for 60 minutes

IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 19 November at 22:00Z for 60 minutes

IndieUI Teleconference Agenda; 3 December at 22:00Z for 60 minutes

innerText spec

Interoperability vs file: URLs

Interoperability vs file: URLs (was: URL Spec WorkMode)

Invited expert introduction

Looking for a home for a proposed Credential Management API.

Minutes IndieUI Teleconference 17 December 2014

New approach to activities/intents

No-context ACTION emails are confusing

Oct 2014 status report and plans

Progressing Packaging on the Web Specification

Proposal for a Permissions API

PSA: Indexed Database API Proposed Recommendation published; (Call for Review deadline Dec 18)

PSA: public-webapps-github archives WebApps' Github activity

PSA: publish a new WD of Streams API on October 23

PSA: publish WD of Screen Orientation on Oct 21

PSA: publishing a new WD of Push API on October 7

PSA: publishing new WD of Clipboard API and events on December 9

PSA: publishing new WD of Custom Elements on December 16

PSA: publishing new WD of Service Workers on November 13

PSA: Publishing working draft of URL spec

PSA: Sam Ruby is co-Editor of URL spec

Publishing working draft of URL spec

Push API - PushRegistration and lifetime

Push API and Service Workers

Push API change for permissions UX

Push API: not a friend of SPDY

Questions on the future of the XHR spec, W3C snapshot

Relative URLs in Web Components

RfC: WebAppSec's Last Call Working Draft of Mixed Content; deadline December 11

Selection, Editing, User Intentions Meeting at TPAC

Service worker popup (rich notification)

Service worker using APIs

ServiceWorkers and Streams discussion at WebApps WG F2F

Spring meeting in Paris?

test coverage data for XHR spec

Themeing mechanism for custom elements

URL Spec WorkMode

URL Spec WorkMode (was: PSA: Sam Ruby is co-Editor of URL spec)

web developer conformance requirements and advice in custom elements spec

WebApps-ACTION-734: Start cfc to publish ui events as a "gutted" wg note

WebApps-ACTION-735: Check that the d3e tests are in gh or mercurial, and if needed fix

WebApps-ACTION-736: Work with adrian to find a replacement tc for alex and d3e

WebApps-ACTION-737: Create a new bugzilla component for inner text

WebApps-ACTION-738: Start a cfc to publish a "gutted" wg note of the fullscreen api

WebApps-ACTION-739: Start a cfc to publish a proposed recommendation of idb

WebApps-ACTION-740: Issue a call for test facilitator for ime spec

WebApps-ACTION-741: Ask cjk interest group and others about ime (use cases, tests, etc.)

WebApps-ACTION-742: Re sse test results, followup on the timeouts with the 2 test facilitators

WebApps-ACTION-743: Try to find someone to help yves, cam and boris on web idl v1

WebApps-ACTION-744: Work on moving web idl v1 to rec

WebApps-ACTION-745: Followup with simon re running the web workers tests

WebApps-ACTION-746: Determine kris' availability to work on the web messaging and web sockets implemenation reports

WebApps-ACTION-747: Start a cfc to gut xhr l2 and publish a wg note

WebApps-ACTION-748: Mark file list as feature @ risk

WebApps-ACTION-749: Start a cfc to publish file api lcwd

WebApps-ACTION-750: Deleted the uc in file api that starts with "data should be able to be stored ..."

WebApps-ACTION-751: Followup with cameron re pr 27 and the web idl test suite

WebApps-ACTION-752: Do edits on file system spec

WebApps-ACTION-753: Find an msdn page that describes this

WebApps-ACTION-754: Work with doug and chaals re fuzzy pointers stuff for web annotations wg

WebApps-ACTION-755: Solve the rest of the problems related to robust targeting of changing documents.

WebApps-ACTION-756: Make sure webapps has good communication flow with indieui group re editing

What I am missing

Last message date: Sunday, 28 December 2014 19:58:14 UTC