[FileAPI] Seeking status and plans [Was: [TPAC2014] Creating focused agenda]

On 10/11/14 10:43 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> If you are an Editor and you did not register for the meeting please 
> note:
> a) If you can join the meeting via the teleconf bridge, please: 1) add 
> your spec to the Potential Topics list and identify high priority 
> discussion points; 2) plan to dial-in Monday morning (or let me know 
> which open day + time slot you prefer to join the meeting).
> b) If you cannot remotely participate in the meeting, please provide a 
> short status of your spec, including any major blocking issues as well 
> as general plans and expectations for the next six months (including 
> publications plans). Please start a separate thread and use your 
> spec's short name as the Subject: prefix (f.ex. "[html-imports] Oct 
> 2014 status report and plans").
> Here is the list of specs whose Editor(s) did not register for the 
> meeting (if I made any mistakes, I apologize in advance, but please do 
> let me know):
> * File API: Arun and Jonas; which v1 bugs are blocking a new LC; what 
> are next steps; timeline for LC.

Arun, Jonas,

Please see the above and respond accordingly. I am especially interested 
in the File API status but please also include a summary of your plans 
for the the Filesystem API.

-Thanks, ArtB

> [Agenda] https://www.w3.org/wiki/Webapps/November2014Meeting

Received on Wednesday, 22 October 2014 12:05:47 UTC