[webmessaging] Need to analyze test failures

Hi Cindy, Kris, All,

Earlier today I ran the webmessaging tests on Chrome, FF, IE and Opera 
(12.16) and uploaded the results plus the wptreport files to 
[test-results]. The good news is that 104/118 tests (~90%) have 2 or 
more passes, however, there are also 14 tests with less than passes.

Do you have some time to look at the [<2] failures? For each of these 
failures, it would be helpful to know which ones are actually test case 
failures versus implementation bugs, and in the case of impl bugs, to 
get a sense of their priority (f.ex. {low,medium,high} impact on 

Naturally, we would appreciate help from anyone that is willing to 
review these failures.

-Thanks, ArtB

[<2] <http://w3c.github.io/test-results/webmessaging/less-than-2.html>

Received on Sunday, 23 November 2014 23:54:37 UTC