Re: Questions on the future of the XHR spec, W3C snapshot

Domenic Denicola <>, 2014-10-20 02:44 +0000:

> I just remembered another similar situation that occurred recently, and
> in my opinion was handled perfectly:
> When it became clear that the WHATWG DOM Parsing and Serialization
> Standard was not being actively worked on, whereas the W3C version was, a
> redirect was installed so that going to
> redirected immediately to
> This kind of solution seems optimal to me because it removes any
> potential confusion from the picture. XHR in particular seems like a good
> opportunity for the W3C to reciprocate, since with both specs there's a
> pretty clear sense that we all want what's best for the web and nobody
> wants to have their own outdated copy just for the sake of "owning" it.

In that same spirit, I'd suggest that everybody not avoid considering some
particular option just because they've been told it seems like it's not
possible. Or just because of the wrong assumption that since it's never
been done before, it somehow must not be possible.


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Monday, 20 October 2014 03:53:22 UTC