[gamepad] Allow standard-mapped devices to have extra buttons or axes & allow multiple mappings per device

Hi all,

I recently was asked to review the Gamepad API draft specification.  My
background is games though I've done some scientific computing with
alternate input devices too.


I'd like to suggest two simple changes to the Gamepad API.  In tandem,
these APIs would allow applications to have automatic compatibility with a
broader range of devices.

The changes are:

1. Allow standard-mapped devices to have extra buttons or axes
2. Add support for multiple standard mappings per device.

Together, these changes would allow a simple application that only needs a
d-pad and a few buttons to work automatically with a Wiimote, XInput
device, and a racing wheel (many racing wheels have d-pads on them).

Even without the proposal #2, proposal #1 would allow optional access to
extra capabilities on a device without having to sacrifice the standard

This feels noncontroversial to me because mappings only assign meaning to
otherwise neutral indices in the buttons[] and axes[] arrays.  For a given
device, there can be many such meanings.

Chad Austin

Received on Monday, 13 October 2014 06:56:46 UTC