RE: Push API and Service Workers

From: [] On Behalf Of Anne van Kesteren

> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Shijun Sun <> wrote:
>> One of the most typical scenarios is
> [citation needed]

Let's expand on this point. You're not going to be able to provide a citation, because *we haven't given developers this technology yet*, so there's no data to cite. Indeed, the point Anne is making is exactly that of the extensible web movement. We need to give developers the low-level, imperative tools (service worker) *first*. Then, later, once we see how they're using them, we can find the most common scenarios and optimize for them.

Avoid the premature optimization and the guessing as to what is "most typical", then standardizing that up front. Instead, provide the low-level primitives and see what emerges, then standardize *that*, in a virtuous cycle.

We've already seen many native platforms go down this route, specifically in regards to push: both Android and iOS have moved to decouple push and notifications, in order to give developers more low-level control. (Windows (Phone) 8's push subsystem is very primitive compared to theirs, presumably because Microsoft's ecosystem lags by about a year. Likely they'll catch up over time.) We should definitely take advantage of what Android and iOS have learned---not to mention what we've all learned over the many years that led up to the extensible web manifesto.

Received on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 16:07:38 UTC