from August 2008 by thread

ISSUE-144 (Zhe): missing base triple in serialization of axioms with annotations. OWL Working Group Issue Tracker (Friday, 29 August)

Proposal to resolve Issue-130, Issue-131 and Issue-116 Ian Horrocks (Thursday, 28 August)

XML Syntax: Attributes Bijan Parsia (Thursday, 28 August)

ACTION 152 (Full Semantics): Editor's Draft ready for WG-internal Review Michael Schneider (Thursday, 28 August)

URGENT: F2F4, Mandelieu (near Cannes), France, 23-24 October 2008 Ian Horrocks (Wednesday, 27 August)

ACTION-204 completed (add a note about axiomatic triples to the profiles document, ISSUE-116) Boris Motik (Wednesday, 27 August)

ACTION-203 done (resolution of ISSUE-118 - semantics of anonymous individuals) Boris Motik (Wednesday, 27 August)

missing entry in table Michael Schneider (Wednesday, 27 August)

XML schema comments Rinke Hoekstra (Wednesday, 27 August)

Agenda TC 27/08/2008 Héctor Pérez-Urbina (Tuesday, 26 August)

encoding specification in the syntax document? Ivan Herman (Tuesday, 26 August)

ISSUE-130 / ACTION-194 Come up with a proposal for conformance Ian Horrocks (Monday, 25 August)

ISSUE-131: Preview of "unification" Ian Horrocks (Sunday, 24 August)

minutes of Aug 20 Sandro Hawke (Sunday, 24 August)

(compatibility) proposal to resolve ISSUE-137 Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 22 August)

OWL Integrity Constraints Survey -- Please participate Kendall Clark (Thursday, 21 August)

an extreme example of a "punning" ontology Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 21 August)

Re: Support for OWL 2? Rinke Hoekstra (Thursday, 21 August)

change to Primer re: resolution of ISSUE-111 Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 20 August)

actions resulting from resolution of ISSUE-16 (annotations on annotations) Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 20 August)

ISSUE-136 (owl:members): Implemented resolution for OWL 2 Full (only) Michael Schneider (Wednesday, 20 August)

editorial comments on Alan Ruttenberg (Wednesday, 20 August)

Any pending modifications to XML syntax? Rinke Hoekstra (Wednesday, 20 August)

Fwd: Jie Bao (Wednesday, 20 August)

Re: Action-98 One page quick reference card / accessibility Jie Bao (Wednesday, 20 August)

Proposal to resolve ISSUE-118 (anonymous individual semantics) Boris Motik (Tuesday, 19 August)

Agenda TC 20/08/2008 Héctor Pérez-Urbina (Tuesday, 19 August)

Action 195 Look in to what happens with OWL-R ruleset applied to annotation properties with subproperty axioms Alan Ruttenberg (Tuesday, 19 August)

Delay in finishing the OWL 2 Full Editor's Draft Michael Schneider (Tuesday, 19 August)

ACTION-177 (implement resolution of the datatypes issue, ISSUE-126) has been completed Boris Motik (Tuesday, 19 August)

proposal to resolve issue-114 - Which combinations of punning should be allowed? Alan Ruttenberg (Tuesday, 19 August)

ISSUE-143 (profileannotation): No Annotations in any of the profiles? OWL Working Group Issue Tracker (Sunday, 17 August)

ISSUE-142 (Rdlrelation): Problems with statement re: relationship between OWL-RL DL and OWL-RL Full OWL Working Group Issue Tracker (Friday, 15 August)

ISSUE-141 (1subject): OWL-R Rules generate literals in subject position OWL Working Group Issue Tracker (Friday, 15 August)

ISSUE-140 (Named Property Chains): Allow (macro-like) shorthands for directly referring to property chains (instead of their superproperty) OWL Working Group Issue Tracker (Thursday, 14 August)

Minutes 2008-08-13 Rinke Hoekstra (Thursday, 14 August)

ACTION-193: Effort needed for implementing a resolution of ISSUE-136 Michael Schneider (Wednesday, 13 August)

changes to RDF mapping to implement the resolution of ISSUE-135 Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 13 August)

Editorial bug in the EL profile? Evren Sirin (Wednesday, 13 August)

ACTION 165 (Investigate easy keys in dl-lite) Diego Calvanese (Wednesday, 13 August)

ACTION 162 (Investigate top/bottom roles in dl-lite) Diego Calvanese (Wednesday, 13 August)

What is added by functional syntax? Alan Ruttenberg (Tuesday, 12 August)

Issue-104 Alan Ruttenberg (Tuesday, 12 August)

Agenda for Teleconference.2008.08.13 Héctor Pérez-Urbina (Tuesday, 12 August)

proposal to close ISSUE-16 by adding annotations on annotations Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Monday, 11 August)

ISSUE-139 (ManchesterSyntaxNote): Manchester Syntax for OWL 1.1 OWL Working Group Issue Tracker (Monday, 11 August)

ACTION-178: What is ISSUE-116 (Axiomatic Triples for OWL R) about? Michael Schneider (Monday, 11 August)

ISSUE 131 (OWL R Unification): Different semantics on syntactic fragment Michael Schneider (Sunday, 10 August)

ISSUE-129 Proposal to resolve Ian Horrocks (Saturday, 9 August)

ISSUE-104 Proposal to resolve Ian Horrocks (Saturday, 9 August)

ISSUE-111 Proposal to Resolve Ian Horrocks (Friday, 8 August)

ISSUE-131 (OWL R Unification): Fundamental understanding problems Michael Schneider (Friday, 8 August)

Re: Data stuff Ian Horrocks (Thursday, 7 August)

mailing list for rdf:text (owl:internationalizedString) Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 6 August)

ACTION-169 Ian Horrocks (Wednesday, 6 August)

Telecons and scribing Ian Horrocks (Wednesday, 6 August)

RE: Peter's slides about the MOF metamodel Conrad Bock (Tuesday, 5 August)

Agenda for Teleconference.2008.08.06 Ian Horrocks (Tuesday, 5 August)

Agenda TC 06/08/2008 Héctor Pérez-Urbina (Tuesday, 5 August)

IMPORTANT: Publication schedule and reviewing Ian Horrocks (Tuesday, 5 August)

Re: AW: Peter's slides about the MOF metamodel Alan Ruttenberg (Tuesday, 5 August)

RE: Proposal for datatypes at 3F2F Michael Schneider (Monday, 4 August)

ISSUE-138 (dateTime): Name of dateTime datatype OWL Working Group Issue Tracker (Monday, 4 August)

RE: draft of LC comment to XML Schema WG Michael Schneider (Monday, 4 August)

Resolution on datatypes at F2F3 Ian Horrocks (Monday, 4 August)

Resolution of ISSUE-132 ("constant" -> "literal") implemented Boris Motik (Monday, 4 August)

ISSUE-137 (rdfstypesbackward): Table 4 in RDF mapping introduces incompatibility with OWL 1 OWL Working Group Issue Tracker (Sunday, 3 August)

Re: Proposal to resolve Issue-108 Diego Calvanese (Friday, 1 August)

Last message date: Friday, 29 August 2008 21:16:59 UTC