proposal to resolve ISSUE-141

I believe that the solution to this issue is to make the following small
change to the profiles document as in various other places where
reasoning over RDF triples is performed, including pD*.  Boris has
pointed out that it is very hard to avoid this sort of generalization.

 The implications are given as universally quantified first-order
 implications over a ternary predicate <span class="name">T</span>. This
 predicate represents RDF triples 
	generalized to allow bnodes and literals in all position
	(similar to the partial generalization in pD*); 
 thus, <span class="name">T(s, p, o)</span> represents a 
 RDF  triple with the subject <span class="name">s</span>, predicate
 <span class="name">p</span>, and the object <span class="name">o</span>.

I so propose that ISSUE-141 be resolved in this fashion.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

From: OWL Working Group Issue Tracker <>
Subject: ISSUE-141 (1subject): OWL-R Rules generate literals in subject position
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 20:35:10 +0000 (GMT)

> ISSUE-141 (1subject): OWL-R Rules generate literals in subject position
> Raised by: Alan Ruttenberg
> On product: 
> T(?p, rdfs:range, ?c), T(?x, ?p, ?y) =>  T(?y, rdf:type, ?c)
> Generate triples with a literal in the subject position.
> e.g.
> a:name rdfs:range xsd:string
> a:Alan a:name "Alan"^^xsd:string
> =>
> "Alan"^^xsd:string rdf:type xsd:string


Received on Wednesday, 20 August 2008 11:10:04 UTC