(compatibility) proposal to resolve ISSUE-137

Because ISSUE-137 involves backward compatibility, it is worthwhile to
try to do something that might otherwise not be indicated.

The basic idea of this proposal is to remove extraneous rdfs:Class and
rdf:Property typing triples on URIs if (and only if) there is a declaration
in the imports closure that makes the typing triple redundant.

So the graph
	ex:foo rdf:type rdf:Property
would not be covered, but 
	_:x rdf:type owl:Ontology
	_:x owl:imports ex:ontology
	ex:foo rdf:type rdf:Property
	ex:subject ex:foo ex:object
would be covered if the graph at ex:ontology looked something like
	ex:foo rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty

The only change would be to the reverse mapping.  It would go something

1/ Remove Table 4 and the paragraph just before it.

2/ Add 

Section 3.3+ Backwards Compatability for Typing Triples

Next, for backwards compatibility with OWL DL, certain redundant
rdf:type triples are removed from G.

Table X. Triples to be Deleted for Backwards Compatibility with OWL DL

If AllDecl(O) contains this declaration ...
	... then these triples are deleted in G, if present.

	*:x rdf:type rdfs:Class

	*:x rdf:type rdfs:Class 	

	*:x rdf:type rdf:Property

	*:x rdf:type rdf:Property

	*:x rdf:type rdf:Property

Table Y. More Triples to be Deleted for Backwards Compatibility with OWL DL

If G contains this pattern ....
	... then these triples are deleted in G.

x rdf:type owl:Ontology 	
	x rdf:type owl:Ontology 	

x rdf:type owl:DataRange
x rdf:type rdfs:Class 	
	x rdf:type rdfs:Class

x rdf:type owl:Restriction
x rdf:type rdfs:Class 	
	x rdf:type rdfs:Class

x rdf:type owl:Restriction
x rdf:type owl:Class 	
	x rdf:type owl:Class

x rdf:type rdf:List
x rdf:first y
x rdf:rest z 	
	x rdf:type rdf:List



Received on Friday, 22 August 2008 13:09:31 UTC