Re: Agenda for Teleconference.2008.08.13

I'm actually just ironing out some changes with Ian right now. Update  

On Aug 12, 2008, at 12:25 PM, Héctor Pérez-Urbina wrote:

> Regards,
> Héctor
> ---
>     * Admin (20 min)
>           o Roll call
>           o Agenda amendments?
>           o PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (6 August)
>           o Action items status
>                 + Pending Review Actions
>                       # Action 171 Analyze and comment on
> Annotation_System_2 / Boris Motik
>                       # Action 176 Draft a comment on XML Schema
> Datatypes 1.1 draft / Peter Patel-Schneider
>                 + Due and overdue Actions
>                       # Action 162 Investigate top/bottom roles in
> dl-lite / Diego Calvanese
>                       # Action 165 Investigate easy keys in dl-lite /
> Diego Calvanese
>                       # Action 170 Analyze and comment on
> Annotation_System_2 / Bijan Parsia
>                       # Action 168 Test our documents for
> accessibility with Robert Stevens / Bijan Parsia
>                       # Action 173 Investigate Boris' IEEE reference,
> re linking floating point to real numbers / Alan Ruttenberg
>                       # Action 174 Provide an rdf serialization for
> his rich annotation proposal / Bijan Parsia
>                       # Action 157 Confer with chairs list about how
> to get more information about what we need to do re: accessibility /
> Alan Ruttenberg
>                       # Action 178 Clarify what ISSUE-116 is about,
> considering splitting to clarify / Michael Schneider
>     * Issues (25 minutes) - Address as many as possible during  
> allocated time
>           o Proposals to Resolve Issues
>                 + Issue 111 (There's no way to signal the intended
> semantics of an OWL document), per email
>                 + Issue 104 (OWL 1.1 DL does not have a disallowed
> vocabulary), per email
>                 + Issue 129 (Desirable to have rdf:list vocabulary
> available for use in modeling in OWL 2), per email
>                 + Issue 135 (Should be able to import rdf serialized
> documents without ontology headers), per email
>           o Other Issue Discussions
>                 + Issue 133 DL-Lite Profile modified to include UNA
>                 + Issue 109 What is the namespace for elements and
> attributes in the XML serialization?
>                 + Issue 130 Conformance, warnings, errors
>                 + Issue 118 Should bNodes in OWL 2 DL have existential
> or skolem semantics?
>                 + Issue 114 Which combinations of punning should be  
> allowed?
>                 + Issue 134 Metamodel for OWL 2
>                 + Issue 136 Allow the use of owl:members with  
> owl:AllDifferent
>                 + Issue 137 Table 4 in RDF mapping introduces
> incompatibility with OWL 1
>                 + Issue 138 Name of dateTime datatype
>     * General Discussion
>     * Additional other business (5 min)

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2008 16:48:37 UTC