from August 2007 by subject

@href and @resource

[ramm.x] Activity report & news ...

[RDFa application] MLE - mailing list archives explorer UPDATE

[RDFa Syntax] @resource and @href

[RDFa TC] Cleanup XHTML 1 partition

[RDFa TC] New TC34 - TC36 for @src

[RDFa TC] Review TC29 - 33

[RDFa] ISSUE-3: syntactic sugar for rdf:type

[RDFa] Meeting record: 2007-08-02 RDF-in-XHTML telecon

[RDFa] meeting record: 2007-08-30 RDFa Task Force telecon

Action item to outline language-dependent features

ACTION: Steven to check test cases 29-33 [recorded in]

Agenda for Telecon Thursday - 1500 UTC, 1100 Boston

Clarifying CURIEs [was Re: RDFa - Dublin Core Metadata - [Fwd: Draft of revised version of Expressing DC in X/HTML meta/link elements]]

Display values for RDFa object URLs

Error in (approved) test 0009

Error in (approved) test 0010

Experimenting with pseudo-hGRDDL (was Re: Clarifying CURIEs [was Re: RDFa - Dublin Core Metadata])

Feedback on RDFa Primer

hAudio RDFa

hAudio RDFa implementation using Operator

How to handle a Test Suite at W3C Re: Error in (approved) test 0009

Interesting experience: my foaf in RDFa

Issues to record

Just for the records: the pyRdfa code URI

meeting record: 2007-08-09 RDF-in-XHTML telecon

Minutes 16 August 2007

More on the 'legacy' namespacing question

My no-longer pseudo code, the way I understand it:-)

My pyRdfa via the Web

new bookmarklets

Pseudo-code for the state where we are no (the way I understand it...)

question on the RDFa validation service...

RDFa - Dublin Core Metadata - [Fwd: Draft of revised version of Expressing DC in X/HTML meta/link elements]

RDFa actions in web browsers (UI)

RDFa good practice Wiki page

RDFa Javascript Bookmarklets updated

RDFa serializer?

RDFa Syntax document migrated to XHTML 2 Working Group publication system

Regrets for 16 August

span test

Telecon Agenda - Thursday, 16 August 2007, 1500 UTC, 1100 Boston

Telecon Thursday - 1500 UTC, 1100 Boston

Telecon Thursday Agenda - 1500 UTC, 1100 Boston

Telecon today ...

Test 0029: error or not? I htink this is a test error...

testing for negative results (action from 30 Aug telecon)

The core processing step

The core processing step (was: Ben's rules:-)

title element, meta, h1 and rdfa

xhtml-rdfa updated

Last message date: Friday, 31 August 2007 22:25:36 UTC