from August 2018 by subject

[conneg] proposing Use Case (Issue 239) to Plenary

[DCAT] group meeting 2018-08-23

[dxwg] Change domain or create superclass of dcat:Distribution

[dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC]

[dxwg] Dataset size characteristics

[dxwg] dcat:byteSize - check constraints

[dxwg] dcat:Catalog/dct:hasPart inconsistent with DCAT-AP v1.1

[dxwg] Define and apply rules for definitions in DCAT

[dxwg] Example of catalogued service

[dxwg] Generalize dcat:byteSize to dcat:size

[dxwg] license and rights apply to Dataset as well as Distribution

[dxwg] Links from DCAT draft to (DCAT 2014) rdf

[dxwg] new commits pushed by agbeltran

[dxwg] new commits pushed by davebrowning

[dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair

[dxwg] new commits pushed by larsgsvensson

[dxwg] new commits pushed by nicholascar

[dxwg] new commits pushed by pwin

[dxwg] new commits pushed by rob-metalinkage

[dxwg] Notes on data citation and addition of creator property for dataset

[dxwg] Profile description model and vocabulary

[dxwg] Project context [RPCX]

[dxwg] Project relation [RPR]

[dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document

[dxwg] prov:wasGeneratedBy in context of dcat:dataset

[dxwg] Provide guidance discouraging usage of blank nodes

[dxwg] Pull Request: Action 167

[dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat issue71 simon

[dxwg] Pull Request: issue #300: proposing a paragraph to discourage the use of blank node…

[dxwg] Pull Request: Notes on data citation and addition of creator property for dataset

[dxwg] Pull Request: Pick up doc change

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profile guidance doc

[dxwg] Pull Request: Remove blank nodes from examples

[dxwg] Pull Request: Remove old milestone links, link to wiki instead

[dxwg] Pull Request: renaming profile folders

[dxwg] Pull Request: updated profile components' naming

[dxwg] renaming profile folders

[dxwg] Requirement: Profiles may be written in or may link to a document or schema in a validation language (ShEx, SHACL, XMLschema). [ID41] (5.41)

[dxwg] updated profile components' naming

[dxwg] Use Case: Negotiation by Coordinate Reference System

[dxwg] Use Case: Profiles of DCAT-AP and various implementation resources

[dxwg] Use of dct:type with both Class and Concept

[dxwg] Use PROV-O to satisfy provenance requirements

[ExternalEmail] CNEG subgroup - proposing Use Case (Issue 239) to Plenary

[ExternalEmail] First meeting of the Profile Guidance group this week

[profgui] Outlines and requirements

ACTION on Everyone: Review profileDesc proposal

Agenda August 14

Agenda August 28

Agenda August 28 - profileDesc documentation

Agenda August 7 Plenary

Agenda DCAT - Telecon 2018-08-16 - Dataset eXchange Working Group

Agenda DCAT-Telecon2018.08.30 - Dataset Exchange Working Group

Agenda for CNEG Meeting 2018-08-15

Agenda for CNEG meeting 2018-08-29

Agenda: September 4

Agenda:DCAT-Telecon2018.08.02 - Dataset Exchange Working Group

Call for Exclusions (Update): Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - revised edition

Charter Requirement

Closed: [dxwg] Best practice for a loosely-structured catalog

Closed: [dxwg] Catalogues in which dataset is an undifferentiated set of files

Closed: [dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC]

Closed: [dxwg] dcat:Catalog/dct:hasPart inconsistent with DCAT-AP v1.1

Closed: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service

Closed: [dxwg] license and rights apply to Dataset as well as Distribution

Closed: [dxwg] Project relation [RPR]

Closed: [dxwg] Provide guidance discouraging usage of blank nodes

Closed: [dxwg] Use PROV-O to satisfy provenance requirements

CNEG Meeting 2018-08-01

CNEG subgroup - proposing Use Case (Issue 239) to Plenary

Comments on "Feedback on profile negotiation I-D-Accept--Schema" from the comments list

Deadlines prior to TPAC for Profile Guidance

Dial-in pages for subgroups

dxwg-ACTION-166: Invite herbert & ruben to generate an ietf fpwd before tpac

dxwg-ACTION-167: Create a draft of the conneg guidance doc for next conneg meeting

dxwg-ACTION-168: Review conneg github issues, specifically harmonising labels

dxwg-ACTION-169: Draft requirement/uc on how profile neg mustn't exclude other neg mechanisms, e.g crs

dxwg-ACTION-170: Contact Alejandra about the UoM

dxwg-ACTION-171: Create outline in profile guidance doc based on issue 196

dxwg-ACTION-172: Convene ucr group in september

dxwg-ACTION-173: wasGeneratedBy example for a continuous process

dxwg-ACTION-174: wasGeneratedBy example for another continuous process

dxwg-ACTION-175: DCAT example w fine-grained semantics provided by profile linked from dct:ConformsTo

dxwg-ACTION-176: merge PR 312

dxwg-ACTION-177: Make sure that the documentation for the dcat decision is highlighted

dxwg-ACTION-178: Get in touch with peter to determine future schedule for plenary meetings.

dxwg-ACTION-179: Reword the uc at

dxwg-ACTION-180: Review the requirements and suggest edits

dxwg-ACTION-181: Look at detail of second comment and report to group

dxwg-ACTION-182: Clean up the milestones on github after Dave is done with the editing changes

dxwg-ACTION-183: Clean up the milestones on github after Dave is done with the editing changes

dxwg-ACTION-184: Ensure links in draft DCAT doc go to live version of rdf.ttl

dxwg-ACTION-185: Take care of issue https://â??â??w3c/â??dxwg/â??issues/â??313 (size/bytesize etc)

dxwg-ACTION-186: Confirm release process and requirements for 2PWD (IRI, links etc) with DSR

dxwg-ACTION-187: Organise small group of people to own progressing versioning use cases

dxwg-ACTION-188: Open issue for discussion of how profile guidance addresses requirements

dxwg-ACTION-189: Remove sentence about java

dxwg-ACTION-190: Add discussion of kam hay fung's email to next conneg meeting agenda

dxwg-ACTION-191: Add all requirements tagged with *-negotiation to the cneg guidance document

dxwg-ACTION-192: Propose join dx/json-ld wg session at tpac to json-ld group

dxwg-ACTION-193: Move jmeter test suite to within w3c systems

dxwg-ACTION-194: Add headings for (4) implementations and a test suite to the doc

dxwg-ACTION-195: Ask json-ld group to consider profileneg by http implementations for json-ld

dxwg-ACTION-196: Request retification of uc web browser navigation of profile information by email

dxwg-ACTION-197: PWinstanley to create a new use case for rate

dxwg-ACTION-198: riccardoAlbertoni to provide text for issue #300

Expression of Interest: DCAT update - Versioning requirements

First meeting of the Profile Guidance group this week

First meeting of the Profile Guidance group this week - agenda

Fwd: mins2issue tool may be of interest

Have labels changed?

Jonining the Profile Guidance meeting

Minutes DCAT-Telecon2018.08.30 - Dataset Exchange Working Group

Minutes fom CNEG meeting 2018-08-29

Minutes fom CNEG meeting 2018-08-29 + pub. moratoria

Minutes from CNEG Meeting 2018-08-15

No plenary August 21

profileDesc decision

Proposed agenda DCAT-Telecon2018.08.09 - Dataset Exchange Working Group

Proposed agenda DCAT-Telecon2018.08.23 - Dataset Exchange Working Group

Public Review for version 2.0 of the SDMX Glossary | SDMX – Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange

Last message date: Friday, 31 August 2018 17:27:06 UTC