Re: [dxwg] Use Case: Negotiation by Coordinate Reference System

Other people's nearby weeds do tend to invade however :-) 

IMHO This discussion has been very useful - I have updated the Use Case to include discussion of some of the points raised, and explicitly teased out requirements that I think we do not otherwise have well enough expressed. You may disagree with these .. they constitute a workable interpretation of behaviour of current OGC services. 

(I also think of a Use Case around crowd-sourced data such as Open Street Map - anyone can add a language translation to a label at any time - i dont think it should be necessary to update a DCAT record for the dataset for every single change (potentially millions a day) - but perfectly reasonable to state a profile constraint that for a given project a label in the official languages of the country is provided.

"Generally speaking, the software provisioning a dataset will determine a range of transformational capabilities independent of the dataset (and any interoperability profile the data itself conforms to) - encoding, CRS, precision, and possibly even language. Thus dimensions of the data may be constrained by profiles, but additional options left to service based distributions.

If a client overrides aspects explicitly declared in a profile, it is responsible to ensure that any data is not declared to conform to that profile."

Requirements now include:
* Where conformance to a profile is declared, and that profile specifies constraints over aspects of a data distribution, data distributions, including services must provide support for those constraints as minimum set of negotiable options.
*  Where conformance to a profile is declared, and that profile specifies constraints over aspects of a data distribution, then any negotiable aspects of the distribution that are not specified must conform to the profile constraints.
* Where negotiation options are provided by a service and specified by a client these take precedence over constraints in the default profile for these aspects, however all other constraints in the profile must be met.

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Received on Thursday, 9 August 2018 23:49:48 UTC