Re: [dxwg] Use of dct:type with both Class and Concept

@makxdekkers *sigh* This is a perfect example of why minimum semantics on property definitions is better. It also further convinces me that application profiles are where ALL constraints should be defined. I would prefer that APs use AP-specific constraint terms and not RDF domains and ranges because an AP is defining constraints not axioms for inferencing. This is what does - it uses very little from RDF, and defines its own terms for literals (schema:Text), URLs (schema:URL) and integers (schema:Integer), as well as for domains and ranges. 

Meanwhile, a lot of the use of DC terms does not adhere to the domains and ranges by which they are defined. The world may be ending, but not for that reason. ;-)

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Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 19:08:59 UTC