from April 2007 by subject

"The Emperor's New Security Indicators"

.safe TLD idea from ICANN

[fwd] Re: Shared Public Knowledge (from:

[Soups-announce] Call for SOUPS posters and discussion sessions

ACTION 181: Summary of EV certificate discussion, prototype recommendation

Action item concerning mixed content / "what is a secure page"

Action item summary 2007-04-04

Action item summary 2007-04-11

ACTION-106 Propose clarifying language for 8.2.5

ACTION-149: FSTC's list of authentication techniques (BMA taxonomy)

ACTION-150 Propose text do drill down on possible classes of conforming implementations -- more concrete than note, more abstract than products

ACTION-154 OPEN Track HTTP Auth related extensions Bill Doyle 2007-03-20

ACTION-154 Track HTTP Auth related extensions Bill Doyle 2007-03-20

ACTION-156: List of privacy and security indicators

ACTION-172 OPEN Map threat trees to use case dimensions Stuart Schechter 2007-04-04

ACTION-175 - Summarize robustness practices for Firefox


ACTION-182 - SSL error anti patterns

ACTION-188 summarize robustness practices in terms of limitations on sites' freedom

ACTION-188 summarize robustness practices in terms of limitations on sites\\\\\\\\' freedom

ACTION-189: Cabfourm X.509v3/ PKIX guidelines

ACTION-194 refine UrlRecommendation


agenda item for this week? (Re: Action item concerning mixed content / "what is a secure page")

Agenda, Wednesay, 11 April, WSC Call

Agenda, Wednesay, 18 April, WSC Call

Agenda, Wednesay, 2 May, WSC Call

Agenda, Wednesay, 25 April, WSC Call

Agenda, WEDNESDAY, 4 April, WSC Call

Available security information section clarification

baked Note edits

Cabfourm X.509v3/ PKIX guidelines

Comment on Note

comments about note

Comments about the note

Comments on Note

comments on use-cases

Comments RE: The Working draft

Comments RE: The Working draft - section 42.

Comments RE: The Working draft - section 6.2

Comments RE: The Working draft - section 6.5

Comments RE: The Working draft - Section 7


DNSSEC indicator

Documenting status quo

Dublin workshop on web authoring

Editing process for Recommendations

Error handling proposal

Favicon anti-pattern

Firefox usability data on Location Bar

Futures area of our wiki

Introduction to group

ISSUE-12: User-agents - future proofing

ISSUE-14: Technologies that reduce risk

ISSUE-15 closing

ISSUE-18: Clarify audience of wsc-usecases

ISSUE-19: Arrangement and formatting of use cases

ISSUE-20 OPEN Potential additions to Available Security Information

ISSUE-22: Rephrase favicon text

ISSUE-23 OPEN Rephrase background on usable security in Process secion

ISSUE-24 OPEN [editorial] Add "known systemic flaws" to goals

ISSUE-25: Participants need to review wsc-usecases

ISSUE-26 OPEN "currently deployed security information"

ISSUE-26: \"currently deployed security information\"

ISSUE-27: [editorial?] techniques for content based detection

ISSUE-28: \"available security information\"

ISSUE-29 OPEN Define user agent in wsc-usecases

ISSUE-29: Define user agent in wsc-usecases

ISSUE-30 allow for remote opening of web browser


ISSUE-31 Correct scenarion 20 intended action

ISSUE-31: Correct scenarion 20 intended action

ISSUE-32: explain dynamic content better

ISSUE-33: Charter retains authority Review of Note

ISSUE-34: Formal studies don\'t cover disability access adequately, use experts too - (public comment)

ISSUE-35: information overload/underload -- no oneSizeFitsAll (public comment)

ISSUE-36: presentation norms -- no oneSizeFitsAll (from public comments)

ISSUE-37: qualify your interrupts (from public comments)

ISSUE-38: no safe haven in presentation space (from public comments)

ISSUE-39: cooperate with WAI-ARIA \'politeness\' (from public comments)

ISSUE-40: Drill-down access to all security information is not \'nice,\' it\'s required (by UAAG 1.0). (public comment)

ISSUE-41: limited guidance on presentation OK (public comment)

ISSUE-42: Re: 3.2 Non-HTTP Web interactions (public comment)

ISSUE-43: don\'t disable assistive technology (public comment)

ISSUE-44: beyond \'who\' (some day) (pubic comment)

ISSUE-45: full legal entity identification (is a must) (pubic comment)

ISSUE-46: define extension interface for content-scanning tools (public comment)

ISSUE-46: widely deployed baseline, yes; usage and presentation, yes (pubic comment)

ISSUE-47: define extension interface for content-scanning tools (public comment)

ISSUE-48: platform and browser security out of scope - NOT (public comment)

ISSUE-49: trust in browser password cache needs to be better justified (pubic comment)

ISSUE-50: present web security is not good enough; even \'though fixing that is out of scope for this deliverable (public comment)

ISSUE-51: distinguished Chrome is not the answer (public comment)

ISSUE-52: benchmarking success -- it\'s out there (public comment)

ISSUE-53: augment general usability wisdom because you are operating on a fringe (as is WAI) (Public Comnment)

ISSUE-54: user understanding is where it\'s at (pubic comment)

ISSUE-55: realism is not universal, nor does ordinariness befit exceptional communications (public comment)

ISSUE-56: habit is little help, here (public comment)

ISSUE-57: qualify your interrupts; communicate subliminally always and through the focus rarely (public comment)

ISSUE-58: simplicity is in the [diverse] world of the user (public comment)

ISSUE-59: challenge and recover are essential; one presentation fits all -NOT (pubic comment)

ISSUE-6 User Interface Issues for Constrained / Mobile Devices

ISSUE-60: reinvent Help and DoIt (public comment)

ISSUE-61: Know you don\'t know your users (public comment)

ISSUE-62: User-adjustable step size is part of Universal Design (public comment)

ISSUE-63: consistency is good where it fits; it doesn\'t always fit; so undergird your consistency with a model (public comment)

ISSUE-64: \'where\' is less universal than \'how\' for drill-down (public comment)

ISSUE-65: testing throughout evolution of product (pubic comment)

ISSUE-66: Suggested rewrite of last paragraph of 10.3

ISSUE-67: The introduction to the note should include a hyperlink to the charter.

ISSUE-68: Note summary, goals, and scope should more clearly focus on problem to be solved---impersonation

ISSUE-69: New goal--Reduce the number of scenarios in which users\' security depends upon authenticating sites

ISSUE-70: Scope should be defined in terms of concepts, not in terms of use cases

ISSUE-71: Change title of Section 7

ISSUE-72: Replace term \"Status Quo\" with something more specific

ISSUE-7: Mental models?

Lightening Recommendations

Look over background for any further recommendations

Meeting record: WSC WG weekly 2007-03-28

Meeting record: WSC WG weekly 2007-04-04

Meeting record: WSC WG weekly 2007-04-11

Meeting record: WSC WG weekly 2007-04-18

No Padlock OID

Note review point - Scoping non-UI recs

Proposed action item concerning robustness of user agent UIs

Proposed Recommendation: Identity indicator in chrome

Proposed Recommendation: Page Info Summary

Question re: Comments USE-Cases

Rec Proposal: Separate in-browser editor for entry of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Recommendations for "Lightening Discussions" at next week's meeting


regrets for 11 April WSC call

regrets for 17 April call

Regrets for April 4, Call

Regrets... and editing

Regrets: 11 April, WSC Call

Regrets: Agenda, Wednesay, 25 April, WSC Call

review comments due April 4

Risky display-only use cases (ACTION-193)

Robustness practices -- pending (but closed) actions.

Rough proposal: Contextual Password Warnings

Rough rec proposal: revisiting past decisions

Safe Web Browsing Mode

Secure Internet Letterhead

shared knowledge authentication of web sites

Shared Public Knowledge

sitekey auth busted on BoA site

status of my action items -- some due date adjustments

Suggestions for note resulting from a conversation with mez

Summary of "What is a secure page?" discussion, first draft

Updating TrustMe wiki page based on telecon

Use Cases Again

What is a secure page?

wsc-usecases review

XSS out of scope

Last message date: Monday, 30 April 2007 20:15:39 UTC