www-style@w3.org from February 2016 by subject

[css-animations] Force integer number of actual iterations

[css-break] display:contents and break-before/after

[css-color] wider/deeper colors

[css-contain] Layout containment and overflow

[css-containment] layout containment and overflow

[css-counter-styles] Any chance of requiring a -- prefix on the names?

[css-flexbox] Adding gaps (like grid-gap) to flexbox

[css-flexbox] aspect ratio question

[css-flexbox] definite sizes for widths

[css-flexbox] rationale for definite size conditions

[css-font-loading] Events for FontFaceSet

[css-grid] Could a simpler subgrid lead to more implementer interest?

[css-grid] Fragmenting orthogonal grids

[css-grid] grid shorthand and grid-auto-rows/cols

[css-grid] grid-gap and abspos

[css-grid] grid-template shorthand

[css-grid] Some thoughts about subgrids

[css-grid] step zero in 10.5

[css-grid] Undefined named lines placement

[css-images] Added image-rendering:high-quality

[css-images][svg2] gradient rendering and the image-rendering property

[css-inline] is it possible to set "min-line-height"?

[css-line-grid] inline grid / character grid

[css-multicol][css-flexbox] column-fill + flex

[css-overflow] hanging-punctuation overflow

[css-overflow][css-scroll-snap][css-position] position: fixed and paging

[css-pseudo] ::selection issues

[css-pseudo] CSSPseudoElement and EventTarget

[css-pseudo] Isn't ::placeholder a bit vague?

[css-pseudo] Need a way to styling the disclosure triangle of the <details> (or <summary>) element

[css-pseudo][css-ui] Allow to control selection width related to letter-spacing

[css-round-display] polar-* properties vs. existing properties

[css-round][css-position] positioning offset property naming

[css-sizing] min-content for replaced elements with an aspect ratio

[css-snap-size] Why restrict to width and height?

[css-tables] border-collapsing rule is wrong

[css-tables] repeating table headers and footers

[css-tables] Research papers on automatic table layout

[css-text] Issue 18: character-based alignment in table columns

[css-text] word-break: break-word

[css-transforms] Consider allowing transform-origin relative to viewport/canvas

[css-transforms] Handling combined opacity and preserve-3d

[css-transforms] Interaction of transforms with scrollable area

[css-transitions] Interpolation of side-relative <position> values

[css-ui-4] -webkit-user-select

[css-ui][css-overflow][css-line-grid] Handle block overflow and block-level elision markers

[css-values] Comments on Serialization of calc

[css-values] range-checking, calc(-5), and serialization

[css-values] Re: CR: CSS Values and Units Module Level 3

[css-variables] Animation tainting - proposed change

[css-variables] Why so inefficient?

[css21][css22][css-tables][css-break][css-page][css-multicol][css-regions] repeating table headers and footers

[css3-images] A value for image-rendering to request high-quality rendering

[cssom] computed style for flex-basis (as in getComputedStyle())

[csswg] Agenda conf call 16-Feb-2016

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2016-02-17 [css-images] [css-values] [css-containment] [css-ui-4]

[Font Loading]

[Font Loading] FontFace's Attributes

[Font Loading] FontFaceSet's Ready Promise

[gcpm] [index entry processing] coalescing sequences of numbers for cross-references, back-of-the-book index etc

[gcpm] coalescing sequences of numbers for cross-references, back-of-the-book index etc

[Houdini] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-01-30 Part I: Agenda and Goal Setting

[Houdini] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-01-30 Part II: Properties & Values API

[Houdini] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-01-30 Part III: Worklets, CSS Paint

[Houdini] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-01-30 Part IV: Typed OM

[Houdini] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-01-31 Part I: Updates from Yesterday, Process Model

[Houdini] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-01-31 Part II: Layout API

[Houdini] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-01-31 Part III: Font Metrics, Composited Scrolling and Animation

[Houdini] Minutes Sydney F2F 2016-01-31 Part IV: Scrolling Extensibility, Meeting Wrap-Up

[lots] -webkit prefixed properties and values

[mediaqueries] CSS "prefers-" media features (from TPAC discussion)

[mediaqueries] Editorial

[mediaqueries] hover: on-demand

[mediaqueries] light-level

[mediaqueries] overflow-block/inline

[mediaqueries] scripting

[mediaqueries] status and moving forward

[mediaqueries] update-frequency naming

[OT] Allow auto-resize on iframe

[selectors4] Do we really need `:any-link`?

[selectors] :not(:checked) example is suboptimal

[selectors] Element style selectors

[selectors] Reference Combinators removed?

Adding functions in CSS (CSS4?)

Allow auto-resize on iframe

Aspect ratio proposal: new units %w and %h

Boleto Vencimento 26/02/2016

box-shadow offset when transform:rotate is used

issues with font-display

object-fit/view-box for element content

Put a link to drafts.csswg.org on the CSSWG homepage?

The Prellipsis

Why no HSV and HCG in CSS3

Zoom use case

Last message date: Monday, 29 February 2016 22:45:00 UTC