www-style@w3.org from August 2014 by subject

[becss] Status

[css-align] Computed value when using "auto"

[css-align] Editorial: the 'stretch' definition moved, but the section titles weren't updated accordingly

[css-align] Tying overflow directions/origins to content alignment

[css-align][css-grid] IE's interpretation of stretch?

[css-animations] Animation events for animation-duration: 0s

[css-animations] Animation properties apply to interactive media

[css-animations] Does animation-fill-mode apply when animation-iteration-count is 0?

[css-animations] Editorial: what media do animation properties apply to?

[css-animations] Interaction of negative animation-delay and animation-iteration-count

[css-animations] new property suggestion: animation-iteration-delay

[css-animations] When/how are keyframe values computed?

[css-animations][Editorial?] Do keyframes cascade or not?

[css-backgrounds] Canvas background with display:none or visibility:hidden

[css-box] margin-collapse property

[css-color] currentColor, inheritance, bikeshedding

[css-color] Doubts on how we handle device-cmyk() and similar things

[css-color] Editorial - Named colors

[css-color] Exposing browser color parsing to JS

[css-color] Preemptive rebuttal to requests to merge the JS color classes

[css-color] Remove gray() Notation

[css-counter-styles] Changes for upcoming LCWD

[css-counter-styles] interaction between 'negative' and 'pad' descriptors

[css-counter-styles] Next LCWD

[css-device-adapt] Target node for application of the style properties

[css-display] Request for review and updated WD publication

[css-figures] Editorial - 28 July 2014

[css-figures][css-multicol][css-overflow] Ten CSS One-Liners to Replace Native Apps

[css-flex-grid]: How to force a wrap?

[css-flexbox] Different behaviour in FF and Chrome regarding flex-basis

[css-flexbox] Fixed mistakes in min-size:auto section, please review

[css-flexbox] getting flex base size from aspect ratio, with explicit "flex-basis:auto"

[css-flexbox] max-content sizing of flex containers is wrong

[css-flexbox] min-height on flex items that have an intrinsic aspect ratio

[css-flexbox] min-width/height: min-content defaults for replaced items and overflow containers

[css-flexbox] percentage heights of flex item descendants

[css-flexbox] PF comment on Flexbox: Advise authors about reordering

[css-flexbox] Possible typo w/ "a flex basis of 'main-size'" in section on getting flex basis from aspect-ratio

[css-flexbox] Renaming flex-basis:auto for less confusion

[css-flexbox] Should intrinsic aspect ratios to be taken into account while doing main-size calculation ?

[css-flexbox] Using "preferred size" in initial layout, rather than max-content size

[css-flexbox]: How to force a wrap?

[css-flexbox][css-align] Should a flex container's "overflow directions" be established by its main/cross axes? (instead of its block/inline directions)

[css-flexbox][css-grid] Doubt about properties that have no effect on flex/grid containers

[css-fonts] new generic font 'emoji'

[css-fonts] selecting color or monochrome glyphs for emoji fonts

[css-gcpm] Some notes on interoperability between AntennaHouse and PrinceXML

[css-grid] 10.5 Grow All Tracks To Their Max

[css-grid] Capping the size of grids?

[css-grid] Confirming some test-case results

[css-grid] Extra space distribution algorithm (clarification request)

[css-grid] Flexible Track Sizing & Indefinite Avail Size

[css-grid] How can I dynamically fill a grid?

[css-grid] implicit grid lines when using fixed "gutter" tracks

[css-grid] Sizing of grid item elements

[css-grid] Specification confusing, needs improvement

[css-images] Add values "cover-width" and "cover-height" to object-fit

[css-images][selectors][css21] ::before and ::after on replaced elements

[css-inline] drop initial size nitpick

[css-inline] raised initial letter and previous paragraph

[css-line-grid] (mostly) editorial comments on the ED

[css-ruby] Behavior of floats inside ruby

[css-ruby] Bug in default HTML style sheet

[css-ruby] Continuing Text Runs Through Ruby Frames

[css-ruby] How does ruby interact with ligatures/shaping?

[css-ruby] Leading/trailing whitespace rules are weird

[css-syntax] Do not require digits after decimal point for number tokens

[css-text] 'hanging-punctuation' and padding/borders/margins (was 'hanging-punctuation' comments

[css-text] A proposal to replace 'tab-size' with 'tabstop-widths'

[css-text] Add text-justify: inter-character back for Korean?

[css-text] How to define lang-specific justification behavior?

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-313: Definition of grapheme clusters

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-332: Lack of complete kashida description

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-335: health warnings for when language not known

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-336: no local definition of "anonymous inline" (editorial)

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-337: line terminator handling

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-338: UAX14 reference (editorial)

[css-text] i18n-ISSUE-345: Arabic Hyphenation

[css-text] i18n-ISSUE-354: Questions about letter-spacing for Arabic script

[css-text] Issues for Review: line-breaking, soft hyphens, renaming distribute, indic letter-spacing

[css-text] Shaping Isolation and Layout Separation of Inlines

[css-text] Universal Compromise Default Justification

[css-transforms] Adding specialized properties for simple transforms

[css-transforms] suggestion: single transformation function by simply giving edge positions

[css-variables] serializing shorthand values

[css-will-change] Value 'contents'

[css-writing-modes-3] central baseline of text with 'text-orientation: upright'

[css-writing-modes-3] Figure 6: rotated sideways and oriented upright

[css-writing-modes-3] Why baseline-align-super.gif in section 5

[css-writing-modes] elements that `text-combine-upright` applies

[CSS2.1] Default margins on inputs

[css3-background] Border-image clarifications

[css3-background] Box-shadow spread with border-radius

[css3-background] Margin-radius edge case

[css3-background] PFWG input on focus ring

[css3-box] run-ins: an alternative model

[css3-fonts] 'font-variant' shorthand missing sub and supert values (for font-variant-position)

[css3-gcpm] bookmark-label: keyword definitions and whitespace processing

[css3-mediaqueries] addition of a VR media type

[css4-text] text-align: auto

[css4-ui] Scrollbar tracking control

[css4-ui] Styling the caret

[cssom] Allowing multiple @imports of the same url to be deduped

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-08-06

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-08-20

[CSSWG][css-ruby] Updated Working Draft

[mediaqueries] battery life and screen type

[mediaqueries] Unintuitive evaluation in boolean context

[selectors] :any-link, :link and :visited should not match HTML's <link>

[selectors] Feedback on :placeholder-shown

[selectors] Special cases in the definition of :not()

[selectors] What is the order of evaluation of :matches() and :not()?

[selectors] Why is :matches() restricting pseudo-elements?

[selectors] Why the special cases in the definition of :not()?

[selectors][css-namespaces][css-scoping] Clash between Namespaces and Scoping regarding implied universal selector

[snappoints] behavior when the maximum scroll position isn't a snap point

A proposed standard for CSS-controlled sentence spacing

Agenda conf call 06-aug-2014

Agenda conf call 20-aug-2014

Animation frame task

Auto margins and shrinkwrapping [css-flexbox][css-grid][css-writing-modes]

Dropping pull quotes [Was: [css-figures][css-multicol][css-overflow] Ten CSS One-Liners to Replace Native Apps]

formatting a back-of-the-book index with CSS (no JavaScript)

Hit-testing on the body element

I18N-ISSUE-344: Wording of section 7.4.4 Cursive Scripts [CSS3-text]

Interop: Floaters and BFC within inline-blocks

Proposal: Motions along a path in CSS

sticky positioning not enough?

Web input brainstorming face-to-face notes

why not MediaQueryList.onchange

Last message date: Sunday, 31 August 2014 15:14:26 UTC