Re: Hit-testing on the body element

On Aug 1, 2014 7:49 AM, "Robert Hogan" <> wrote:
> In the test case below, Blink and WebKit display a red background on the
body element when the mouse hovers over the page.
>  <style>
>      body:hover { background-color: red; }
>  </style>
>  <body></body>
> FF/IE/Presto do not display a red background. None of them set
pointer-events:none on the body element, so I'm guessing each
implementation special-cases the body element some other way.
> Is this behaviour specified anywhere or is it just common-sense? Would
using pointer-events:none in html.css be a better way of enforcing it?

Did you intend for that to have no doctype, and thus be in quirks mode?


Received on Friday, 1 August 2014 13:41:56 UTC