[css3-mediaqueries] addition of a VR media type

Virtual reality is becoming more mainstream and it would be useful to have a VR media type. VR has a number of unique characteristics that a website might need to adapt to, such as dramatically increased field of view. This means content or interface elements may need to be brought in from the edges of the screen, FOV adjustments, depth adjustment of 3d objects, and possibly input changes will need to be made based on the VR media type. 

As VR support is starting to show up in Firefox test builds (http://blog.bitops.com/blog/2014/07/31/css-and-vr-integration/) and JS libraries (https://github.com/benvanik/vr.js/) it would be great to see the spec embrace this new media type. 


Scott Kellum
scott@scottkellum.com (mailto:scott@scottkellum.com)
(347) 422-7572

scottkellum.com (http://scottkellum.com)

Received on Friday, 1 August 2014 12:38:26 UTC