RE: [css-grid] 10.5 Grow All Tracks To Their Max

François REMY wrote:
>    - If the track has a ‘max-content’ max track sizing function, set its 
> growth limit to the maximum of the items’ max-content contributions.
>        This is undefined, there is no such item (so I leave limit=infinity)
>        -- I guess the difference between IE and me is here, it probably 
> sets the limit to 0 at this step, why?

Not quite; this is done after accommodating spanning items.  In the earlier version of the algorithm, this was the purpose of Step 4 in ResolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctions[1].  I don't see a place in the latest editor's draft algorithm where this happens though.

> If yes, then we set the growth limit to 0 instead of keeping 
> it equal to the infinity when there's no span-of-one item in a column. 
> Therefore, how can we possibly get a limit of infinity in the following 
> steps, which seem to take care of this possibility in multiple places?

By "the following steps" were you referring to the "accommodate spanning items" step?  If not, I don't think there should be any infinite values after resolving the content-based keywords; I think this is confirmed by the note at the bottom of the "Resolve Content-Based Track Sizing Functions" in the editor's draft[2].

Does that answer your question?




Received on Monday, 18 August 2014 18:14:59 UTC