from March 2011 by thread

[TTL] Standardizing N-Triples Andy Seaborne (Thursday, 31 March)

[TTL] Long literals Andy Seaborne (Thursday, 31 March)

[Turtle] EBNF error? (decimal and integer) Gavin Carothers (Wednesday, 30 March)

RDF-ISSUE-20 (Numeric local part): The prefixed name "ns:123" is legal in SPARQL - should it be legal for Turtle? [RDF Turtle] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 30 March)

ISSUE-19: Should TURTLE allow triples like "[ :p 123 ]." as SPARQL does ? RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 30 March)

ISSUE-18: How do we parse "18." in Turtle? RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 30 March)

[ALL] FTF presentations Guus Schreiber (Wednesday, 30 March)

Apologies Mischa Tuffield (Wednesday, 30 March)

[JSON] URI vs IRI Dan Brickley (Wednesday, 30 March)

[ALL] Agenda 30 Mar telecon, 1100 EST Guus Schreiber (Tuesday, 29 March)

[JSON] Consider Exhibit JSON? David Wood (Monday, 28 March)

[JSON] Objects and RDF Nathan (Monday, 28 March)

RDF-ISSUE-17 (graph merge): How are RDF datasets to be merged? [RDF Graphs] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Monday, 28 March)

[JSON] Related Nathan (Monday, 28 March)

regrets (at www 2011) Fabien Gandon (Sunday, 27 March)

[JSON] fwd JSON Web Token (JWT) and JSON Web Signature (JWS) Dan Brickley (Sunday, 27 March)

RDF-ISSUE-16 (Base JSON Grammar): What is the normative serialization of the JSON grammar? [RDF JSON] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Friday, 25 March)

[JSON] comments? Peter Frederick Patel-Schneider (Friday, 25 March)

[JSON] Constraining JSON serialization discussion Manu Sporny (Friday, 25 March)

What *is* RDF? Manu Sporny (Friday, 25 March)

[JSON] RDF collections and JSON arrays Pat Hayes (Thursday, 24 March)

initial draft of today's minutes Jeremy Carroll (Thursday, 24 March)

[JSON] Classifying the use cases Richard Cyganiak (Wednesday, 23 March)

[JSON] Tiny Proposal Nathan (Wednesday, 23 March)

[JSON] usage example, JSON and RDF I/O in openbiblio William Waites (Wednesday, 23 March)

[JSON] Elephant in the room Nathan (Wednesday, 23 March)

[JSON] User segments update Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 23 March)

[JSON] Some general serialization "things" Nathan (Wednesday, 23 March)

[JSON] Examples for RDF JSON serializations side-by-side comparison Thomas Steiner (Wednesday, 23 March)

Minutes March 16th Meeting Matteo Brunati (Wednesday, 23 March)

[JSON] data.nytimes Nathan (Wednesday, 23 March)

[JSON] Summary of direction discussion Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 23 March)

[ALL] Agenda 23 March [FOR EUROPEANS ONE HOUR EARLIER] David Wood (Monday, 21 March)

[JSON] Minutes for today's discussion Manu Sporny (Monday, 21 March)

[JSON] The best of both worlds? Manu Sporny (Monday, 21 March)

[JSON] Meeting TOMORROW Monday, March 21st Manu Sporny (Sunday, 20 March)

[Fwd: Re: Comments on "SPARQL 1.1 Uniform HTTP Protocol for Managing RDF Graphs"] Nathan (Friday, 18 March)

[JSON] one data point: Anzo on the Web Lee Feigenbaum (Friday, 18 March)

[Graphs] Fwd: Comments on "SPARQL 1.1 Uniform HTTP Protocol for Managing RDF Graphs" Pat Hayes (Friday, 18 March)

Doodle poll: RDF in JSON work Manu Sporny (Friday, 18 March)

Make FTF1 Hotel Reservations Soon David Wood (Friday, 18 March)

Apologies Mischa Tuffield (Wednesday, 16 March)

draft use case for named graphs from FOAF work Dan Brickley (Wednesday, 16 March)

ISSUE-15: What is the relationship between the IRI and the triples in a dataset/quad-syntax/etc RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 16 March)

ISSUE-14: What is a named graph and what should we call it? RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 16 March)

I cannot connect to the IRC Antoine Zimmermann (Wednesday, 16 March)

[ALL] reminder: pls indicate your availability for ftf 13-14 April Guus Schreiber (Wednesday, 16 March)

Re: [Turtle] starting with Peter Frederick Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 16 March)

regrets for the coming teleconference Zhe Wu (Wednesday, 16 March)

[JSON] PROPOSAL: Syntax structure should be object-based Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 16 March)

[ALL] Agenda 16 March [FOR EUROPEANS ONE HOUR EARLIER] Guus Schreiber (Tuesday, 15 March)

[GRAPH] Diagram added to GraphConcepts wiki page Gavin Carothers (Monday, 14 March)

[Turtle] Proposals page updated Richard Cyganiak (Saturday, 12 March)

[JSON] JSON Syntax Options - Datatypes / Typed Literals Nathan (Saturday, 12 March)

[JSON] JSON Syntax Options - URI Properties Nathan (Friday, 11 March)

F2F Hotel recommendations? Steve Harris (Friday, 11 March)

[JSON] Reference, activity streams Nathan (Thursday, 10 March)

[JSON] The case for a triple-based approach Richard Cyganiak (Thursday, 10 March)

[ALL] Raised Issues David Wood (Thursday, 10 March)

[JSON] Clarification on JSON-LD Ivan Herman (Thursday, 10 March)

Re: Criteria for a good JSON RDF serialisation Nathan (Thursday, 10 March)

[JSON] the simple pivotal choice Nathan (Wednesday, 9 March)

[JSON] Reviewing RDF in JSON specs Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 9 March)

[JSON] object-based JSON vs. triple-based JSON Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 9 March)

Other issues? Mischa Tuffield (Wednesday, 9 March)

[Turtle] Some syntax related issues Mischa Tuffield (Wednesday, 9 March)

Comments on bNode issue within RDB2RDF mapping language Michael Hausenblas (Wednesday, 9 March)

[JSON] implementation guidance Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 9 March)

[Turtle] the Turtle Grammar in the revised editor's draft does not allow comments in Turtledoc Antoine Zimmermann (Tuesday, 8 March)

Is it possible to enable LaTeX support on the wiki? Antoine Zimmermann (Tuesday, 8 March)

[Graphs] Proposal: RDF Datasets Richard Cyganiak (Tuesday, 8 March)

[ALL] Agenda 9 March telecon 1100 EST Guus Schreiber (Tuesday, 8 March)

RDF-ISSUE-13 (RDF XMLLiterals): Review RDF XML Literals [Cleanup tasks] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Monday, 7 March)

[JSON] Survey for design requirements Manu Sporny (Sunday, 6 March)

[Turtle] Collecting the proposals Richard Cyganiak (Saturday, 5 March)

[Graphs] Use cases Richard Cyganiak (Saturday, 5 March)

RDF-ISSUE-12 (String Literals): Reconcile various forms of string literals (time permitting) [Cleanup tasks] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Saturday, 5 March)

RDF-ISSUE-11 (Reconciliation of documents): Reconciliation of various, semantics-oriented documents with the core RDF ones [Cleanup tasks] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Saturday, 5 March)

RDF-ISSUE-10 (Deprecation): Look if there are RDF(S) notions that are to be deprecated [Cleanup tasks] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Saturday, 5 March)

RDF-ISSUE-9 (Complete Semantics): Inference rules are incomplete in the RDF Semantics [Cleanup tasks] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Saturday, 5 March)

RDF-ISSUE-8 (IRI vs URI): Incorporate IRI-s into the RDF documents [Cleanup tasks] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Saturday, 5 March)

RDF-ISSUE-7 (Leftover issues): Leftover issues from the RDF Core WG [Cleanup tasks] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Saturday, 5 March)

RDF-ISSUE-6 (RDF Errata): Handling RDF Errata [Cleanup tasks] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Saturday, 5 March)

RDF-ISSUE-5 (Graph Literals): Should we define Graph Literal datatypes? [RDF Graphs] RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Friday, 4 March)

Regrets for next week. Fabien Gandon (Friday, 4 March)

regrets for the next two telecons Pat Hayes (Friday, 4 March)

Semantics of Qurtle (N3 vs TriG), Graph Literals again. Sandro Hawke (Friday, 4 March)

[GRAPHS] FYI: VoID vocabulary just published Ivan Herman (Thursday, 3 March)

Miscellaneous tasks for the RDF WG (Action-18) Ivan Herman (Thursday, 3 March)

a quick remark about blank nodes Pat Hayes (Thursday, 3 March)

A modest proposal concerning blank nodes. Pat Hayes (Wednesday, 2 March)

Minutes March 3rd Meeting Bauer, Herbert S. (Scott) (Wednesday, 2 March)

Turtle, Qurtle, Super-Turtle, N-Triple, N-Quads, Trig - BC and Scope Nathan (Wednesday, 2 March)

RDF-ISSUE-4 (Deprecate N-Triples): Do we depecate N-Triples and use Turtle instead? RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 2 March)

Re: [Turtle] Misc initial thoughts Richard Cyganiak (Wednesday, 2 March)

[GRAPHS] Follow your graph nose. Fabien Gandon (Wednesday, 2 March)

Re: [JSON] Initial comments Matteo Brunati (Wednesday, 2 March)

bang ! in turtle Nathan (Tuesday, 1 March)

Re: [ALL] Agenda telecon 2 Mar 11am EST David Wood (Tuesday, 1 March)

Re: [GRAPHS] g-box - abstraction or concrete? Ivan Herman (Tuesday, 1 March)

Re: Graphs and Being and Time Nathan (Tuesday, 1 March)

Last message date: Thursday, 31 March 2011 23:08:19 UTC