Re: [JSON] Examples for RDF JSON serializations side-by-side comparison

On 23/03/11 13:21, Thomas Steiner wrote:
> Hi all,
> As per ACTION-20 ( I am
> to create a side-by-side comparison table for the proposed RDF JSON
> serializations so far. I have come up with two examples, one basic,
> and one advanced example, and wanted to get your feedback on the
> samples. Are they complex enough? Do they miss an RDF feature you
> would like to see covered? Are they too real-world-ish or too
> theoretic? Please feel free to edit/add your feedback on the Wiki
> section:
> =><=
> I will take whatever we have agreed on by Saturday, and try to convert
> the two examples in a couple of JSON docs.
> Best,
> Tom

Real world is more useful in seeing what the options might look like - 
I've tried here to write out all the features I can think of as 
synthetic test data for coverage.

@prefix rdfs:    <> .
@prefix xsd:     <> .
@prefix : <http://example/> .

:x1 :p1 1 ;
     :p2 1.0 ;
     :p3 1.0e0 ;
     :p4 () ;
     :p5 (1 2 "three" ) ;
     :p6  [ :q 57 ; :q 89 ] ;
     :p7 _:a .

_:a  :p1 :z ;
      :p2 "str" ;
      :p3 "str"^^xsd:string .

[]  :p :z .

:z rdfs:label "Swansea"@en , "Abertawe"@cy ;
    :q1 "2011-03-23T13:40:22.489+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    :q2 "2011-03-23Z"^^xsd:date ;
    :q3 "2011-03-23"^^xsd:date ;
    :q4 "2011+01:00"^^xsd:gYear ;
    :q5 "2011"^^xsd:gYear .

("a" "b" "c" ) :p [ :p (1 2) , (3 4) ] .

[ :p (1 2) , (3 4) ] :p ("a" "b" "c" ) .

# These are not strict Turtle where everything
# must be "subject-predicate" form.
# They are SPARQL.

("a" "b" "c" ) .

[ :p (1 2) , (3 4) ] .

   D.ttl (the data above)
   D.nt (converted to N-triples)


Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2011 13:56:31 UTC