from January to March 2012 by subject

"Array element" requirement

"half tone" requirement

[public-svg-wg] <none>

ACTION-3240: Start a wiki page on SVG testing requirements (SVG Working Group)

ACTION-3243: Mirror css test metadata setup in SVG and come up with a template for new tests (SVG Working Group)

Agenda Request - Canvas and SVG

Agenda request: CSS Transforms and SVG DOM, OpenType and SVG glyphs

Agenda request: Presentation attributes in animation sandwich model

agenda request: proposed currentColor changes in CSS

Agenda+ Fragment Identifiers, New Canvas API Features

Agenda, 1 March 2012 SVG WG telcon

Agenda, 15 March 2012 SVG WG telcon

Agenda, 16 February 2012 SVG WG telcon

agenda, 19 January 2012 SVG WG telcon

Agenda, 2 February 2012 SVG WG telcon

agenda, 22 March 2012 SVG WG telcon

agenda, 23 February 2012 SVG WG telcon

Agenda, 26 January 2012 SVG WG telcon

Agenda, 29 March 2012 SVG WG telcon

Agenda, 5 January 2012 SVG WG telcon

agenda, 8 March 2012 SVG WG telcon

agenda, 9 February 2012 SVG WG telcon

Before and after examples of time containers in SVG animation

Canonical order for property definitions in SVG2

canvas API additions not in HTML WDs

canvas in SVG (was: Re: SVG 2 Requirements: next phase)

closing ISSUE-2181: Look at Solutions for 'filter' Property Conflict with IE Filters

Color Math (was RE: Agenda, 16 February 2012 SVG WG telcon)

commitments to work on SVG 2 features

CSS filters +color-interpolation-filters (was: RE: Agenda, 16 February 2012 SVG WG telcon)

CSS3 Basic UI review

Edited CSS Animation on SVG attributes proposal

editing process for SVG2, again

Fwd: Join the SVG Working Group (Call for Participation)

Fwd: Last call announcement: CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3 (css3-images)

Fwd: W3C TPAC2012 - Will your group meet in Lyon, France WBS

ISSUE-2431: Consider allowing <mask>, <clipPath>, etc. as direct children of elements they'd apply to, to avoid IDs

ISSUE-2434: Make sure that all relevant improved from 1.2 Tiny is backported to SVG 2

ISSUE-2435: For content editable text, we should consider the effects with overflow scroll

ISSUE-2436: Define behavior for content editable on non-text elements

ISSUE-2442: Should we allow unitless numbers and scientific notation inside calc expressions in presentation attributes?

Last call announcement: CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3 (css3-images)

Last call for css3-backgrounds

Linear interpolation of discrete values

Minutes, 16 Feb 2012 SVG telcon

minutes, 19 January 2012 SVG WG telcon

minutes, 22 March 2012 SVG WG telcon

Minutes, 23/02/2012 SVG WG Telcon

minutes, 26 January 2012 SVG WG telcon

minutes, 5 January 2012 SVG WG telcon

Minutes, 9 February 2012 SVG WG telcon

minutes, day 2 of SVG WG Sydney 2012 F2F

minutes, SVG WG Sydney 2011 F2F day 1

minutes, SVG WG Sydney 2012 F2F day 3

minutes, SVG WG Sydney 2012 F2F day 4

Minutes. Weds 11 Jan 2012 Manly f2f

New SVG Test Suite Repository

Novotel discount

regrets for 3/15

Regrets for SVG F2F

regrets for this week

regrets for this week's telcon

Regrets for tomorrow

review of canvas API additions

review of SVG 2 animation-related requirements

schedule for this week

Some logisitics information for the meeting

Status of requirements

Status of SVG 2 requirements and commitments

Status of the requirements

SVG 2 Requirements: next phase

SVG 2 Requirements: next phase (update)

SVG Social

SVG Testing

SVG Testing Harness (was: Re: Agenda request: Presentation attributes in animation sandwich model)

SVG-ISSUE-2430 (shorthand-presentation): shorthand properties should be allowed as presentation attributes [SVG 2]

SVG-ISSUE-2432 (lang-attribute): SVG2 should use lang="" instead of xml:lang="" [SVG 2]

SVG-ISSUE-2433 (text-direction): consider adding dir="" attribute for specifying base text direction [SVG 2]

SVG-ISSUE-2437 (string-list-invalid): exceptions should be thrown when trying to insert an invalid string into an SVGStringList [SVG 2]

SVG-ISSUE-2438 (order-rounding): The rounding behavior for the order="" attribute is not defined [SVG 2]

SVG-ISSUE-2439 (path-negative-arc-radius): BNF for path data should accept negative arc radius [SVG 2]

SVG-ISSUE-2440 (outline highlight): Define focus highlight in terms of 'outline' [SVG 2]

SVG-ISSUE-2441: Intrinsic sizing and percentage values for inline svg in html [SVG 2]

SVGZ, was: Re: minutes, SVG WG Sydney 2012 F2F day 4

Sydney F2F: are you registered?

Telcon time

Test content guidelines

Testing Requirements issues - some proposed solutions

undoing regrets for this week's telcon!

Update on ACTION-3218: Review CSS UI

Videos of the SVG Event in Sydney

W3C TPAC2012 - Will your group meet in Lyon, France WBS

Last message date: Thursday, 29 March 2012 23:17:16 UTC