SVG Social

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Regrets for SVG F2F
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2012 11:09:19 +1100
From: John Allsopp <>
To: Doug Schepers <>
CC: <>

Hi Chris and Vincent,

I'm the person who has been organizing the SVG Social event

We maxxed out at 50 RSVPs before Xmas our office sp[ace is likely to
be crowded by abotu 35, but I know we'll get some drop off)

Originally, we were thinking of trying to move to a different venue,
but I think as things stand, we might stay wth plan A

So, what we need is a program ;-)

I've got you, and Vincent Hardy down to present, and Dmitry Barnovskyi
is keen to speak too (he has a new game engine, based on Raphael/SVG
and Box2d that is agreat showcase of SVg, and he's also a [opular

So, I propose the following agenda

6 for 630pm - drinks etc

6.30 - 7.15 -

Vincent for 20 mins (future of SCV (perghaps including filtes.shaders
and some related CSS/SVG stuff))
Dmitry for 20 mins of Newton (his SVG based game engine)

7.15 - 7.30 Grab a drink

7.30 - 8.15

Chris on whatever you think would interest folks
QA Session with the SVG WG

8.30 Wrap up

How does that Sound?

Let me know

I' be happy to MC, knowing the audience, and the subject matter
reasonably well, or happy for an SVG WG person to do so

Looinf forward to the event!


On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Doug Schepers <> wrote:
> Hi, John-
> Probably best to coordinate with Chris Lilley, but please do keep me in the
> loop.
> Thanks!
> -Doug
> On 1/4/12 12:55 AM, John Allsopp wrote:
>> Sorry to mis you Doug,
>> wh best to connect with re the event?
>> john
>> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Doug Schepers<>  wrote:
>>> Hi, folks-
>>> I'm sorry to do this, but I'm not going to be able to attend the SVG F2F
>>> in
>>> Sydney.  It would be great to see you all, and it's an exciting time for
>>> SVG, but I am deeply involved in another project that will need my
>>> attention, and I'll be attending the Audio WG f2f and an audio trade show
>>> in
>>> LA in late January, so I needed to make some hard choices; the cost of
>>> the
>>> flights was also a factor, and I didn't feel I could justify the cost
>>> this
>>> particular time, though I recognize that both Chris and I are needed for
>>> different topics.
>>> I will adjust my schedule to attend by telcon as much as possible, but I
>>> also don't want to get in the way of your productive F2F time.  I will
>>> certainly be available for any topics that need me... just let me know.
>>> John Allsopp (CCed) has already set up the SVG tech talk, and I'm really
>>> sad
>>> I will miss this... it looks like a great event!  I will continue to work
>>> with John to help with the logistics.  I appreciate you all doing this,
>>> and
>>> I hope it's something we can continue to do elsewhere to help promote
>>> SVG.
>>> Regards-
>>> -Doug

John Allsopp
Web Directions

0405 149 597

Received on Thursday, 5 January 2012 20:13:29 UTC